Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Thoughts on highway construction and the new traffic cams going up with the work

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There is a lot of construction going on here on the highways. The work is much needed (extra lanes, HOV lanes, light rail as well) but the trend seems to be that when significant new highway construction is undertaken the planners include highway cams almost every mile. I do like to be able to see whether snow has jammed up the highway, and I also see the value to the DOT to be able to see what is going on along the highway to address accidents or emergencies, but it feels as though they are watching. I have no interest in being seen driving nude at all, by other drivers or by people looking at these cams. Granted, accessing the cams online you can't see anything in the cars at all, but that's just the web stream image.
Anyone know how high of a resolution they have, whether they can zoom enough to see into a car and tell whether you're dressed? Any night vision capabilities?
It is feeling more and more like big brother is watching. I have a reasonable expectation that I will not be seen, as no vehicles taller than me pass me without me being covered, but highway cams, aircraft and future drone activity seems to have the potential (probability) of turning what is "private" space (when no one can see) into public space where we can no longer have an expectation that I am not having someone look into my vehicle from above.
Anyone have actual knowledge of the capabilities of these cameras and whether there are safeguards in place to prevent invasion of privacy?

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RE: Thoughts on highway construction and the new traffic cams going up with the work

The systems going in here in the U.S. are mostly smartcams that feed visual data to computer programs that make dynamic adjustments to traffic control devices like traffic lights and variable speed limits. The images of cars moving though the lens view are counted and rates of speed are tracked as inputs to the control program. There are people monitoring the cameras, but only to make sure traffic is flowing. I assure you there aren't any nudist cops monitoring the images. However...if there is a collision or traffic tie up that will be focused in on by the people in the room then that image may be put on a big screen and panned or zoomed. So if you are in the picture sitting next to a collision with the camera focused just perfectly on you, they might know you are nude. But if you aren't the problem, they will quickly bore of you and get back to their problem. An earlier commenter is correct that if you are issued a citation for an act the police suspect may have been captured on camera and...if you contest the violation and take it to court...then they MAY go to the trouble of pulling the images, if the policies established by their government allows it for investigative purposes. I suspect not in most cases as they all have other things to do and don't typically go to this extent to make sure their citations stick. Of course if you are accused of doing something serious, like driving impaired and having an injury or fatal collision, for sure they are going to pull every frame of you. Your nudity likely would not be the issue in this case! I'd love to hear from anyone who has worked in police or courts, especially if you have had a different experience.

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RE: Thoughts on highway construction and the new traffic cams going up with the work

Being nude in car should be legal everywhere.Have you ever been photographed by another driver?Has another driver reported you?More government intrusion, fully tinted windows should be legal.No, I've not been seen by another driver and that is by design. The traffic cams have the ability to change that.

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RE: Thoughts on highway construction and the new traffic cams going up with the work

I agree that it should not matter as long as I am driving safely. I am careful with taller vehicles (although I wish that was not necessary) so that is not an issue. As long as the traffic cams, and the police drones that are likely to come soon, don't start getting us stopped and possibly arrested, then fine.
I'm just concerned that the police will start using them for all kinds of purposes, including prosecuting (or at least ticketing) nude drivers.

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RE: Thoughts on highway construction and the new traffic cams going up with the work

Texting while driving (which can cause death or injury) in most states is a secondary offense. Meaning you need to be stopped for another violation before action can be taken on the texting. Strange that driving nude is a primary offense and it never hurts anybody. I feel a nude driver is more attentive to their driving, obey speed limits and drive less recklessly because they are enjoying the ride. Thus, being safer. I like to drive nude on long trips. It helps me stay more awake and focused

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