Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

I pick up my newspaper nude.

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It is 6:30 in the morning. No one on the street. At the same time I take the garbage to the curb. It's Florida and warm here.

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

It is 6:30 in the morning. No one on the street. At the same time I take the garbage to the curb. It's Florida and warm here.Our paper shows up at 6:30a as well ... and it has finally warmed up to tolerable in WI/MN ... tomorrow sounds like a good day to get the paper. :)

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

Most mornings I take the garbage out nude around 5:30am every morning just as its getting light, Been caught a few times if I'm late as the landscapers across the road start turning up just before 6. I was completely busted today hanging out some washing nude by my neighbour tho I think he just pretended not to see me. It was a very hot day tho.

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

From about mid-May to mid-September the weather is warm enough in the northeast for me to get the paper nude every day. We have a long driveway that leads to a busy road and the newspaper box is on the other side of that road. At 5:30 it's full daylight that time of year, but that's half the fun. I find getting the newspaper to more enjoyable than reading it anymore!

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

Well call me daring or just plain stupid. This morning at 6:15, still dark, I ran out my front door to retrieve the paper from the front porch, about 12 to 15 feet from the front door. First, I looked at my neighbor's house across the street, the one who had seen me do this previously and reported it to my wife. The lights were on, but I said the Hell with and ran out anyways. Don't know yet if they saw me. It was 26 degrees, a good wake up.

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

Hmmm, don't have a newspaper. Does watching TV news nude count?

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

Funny I do the same thing every day and also live in warm Florida. Are we by any chance neighbors...lol. I never wear clothes at home inside and out.Bob

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

As I have a park opposite, and a treed front garden, I often get the morning paper as late as 8am. the street is a short cut to major road, but few if any drivers or passengers look into peoples gardens. They drive by blissfully unaware of a nude guy in the front garden!

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RE: I pick up my newspaper nude.

Hmmm, don't have a newspaper. Does watching TV news nude count? I'd say yes except you haven't gone outside to watch it. Or maybe in the summer you do. :)I noticed another post included hanging out laundry. I do that all the time, in the summer that is.

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