Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Doing something risky and fun

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What's not to like about it? At least for some of us. One of the most common things for me is to spend some time in a State Park, search for a solitary place, and take some nudity pictures that I can use in my site. Most of the times I am very nervous of being caught since here in Colorado (for what I understand) one would be arrested and processed as Sexual Offender, with a stain in our record that will never be erased and our name and picture in a special web site where people can check names to see if that person is a sexual offender.
The problem is that getting arrested as a Sexual Offenders for hiking nude is the same as for having sex by force with children! Two completely different things, yet they place you in the same basket, so being arrested for hiking nude can be disastrous for your career, and even your personal life!
So you can imagine how nervous one can be by being naked in a State Park! Which add to the excitement of finding a secluded spot and doing it!
I've been naked at Stated Parks many times and have hundred of pictures from those "adventures". The rush, the heart beating hard, nervously watching all around for an unexpected hiker in the area. Nudity in nature and the risk of screwing up one's life in an instant because of the laws, it all add to the rush. I often think if this could be compared to racing a car in a high level category, where a lot is at stake; maybe.
I just uploaded a couple of pictures, so I guess it'll take a couple of days to be available here in this group.
One thing I want to do is to get pictures of me being nude in nature while cars in a close by highway can be seen behind me, to a distance that anybody would see I'm nude!

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

Repaired the guttering at the front corner of the bungalow which is about 5 foot higher than the road and had to stand on steps to do this. Anybody who looked my way would have seen me nude.

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

Just returned from a week in Hawaii! It wasn't a nude trip but we
were lucky enough to have a somewhat private balcony, enough to be
naked on in certain areas but ... I used the entire balcony nude as
much as possible. Early mornings and afternoons, early evenings and
late evenings when we were in our room for any length of time, we
were naked and I was on the balcony.

I realized laterthat I could be seen from several other balconies but I
acted as though I didn't know. I even had these same people wave at
me. I waved back as though I figured they didn't know I was naked.
A couple of them then turned and walked back into their room but
others remained and I noticed that they looked down on me several

One couple above me came out in night wear. He in boxers and she in
a short night gown. Maybe I inspired them to be a bit risky!

Our close friends were in a room about 3 doors away. The way the
hotel is built, the building curves and I thought that they didn't
have as good a view of our balcony as I thought until we visited
their room and I looked out their balcony and noticed that it's
most likely they saw me naked out there pretty well and they waved
and smiled each morning and didn't act strangely the entire week
.... so I guess they must be okay with it! :D
I don't necessarily think this was daring ... just living as usual and taking advantage of any possibilities of being naked whenever we can. Acting as though I thought I could not be seen and just acting normally, probably had others not making a big deal outta the naked guy on the balcony. It wasn't all the time but often enough for me to get through a textile trip! ;-)

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

What's not to like about it? At least for some of us. One of the most common things for me is to spend some time in a State Park, search for a solitary place, and take some nudity pictures that I can use in my site. Most of the times I am very nervous of being caught since here in Colorado (for what I understand) one would be arrested and processed as Sexual Offender, with a stain in our record that will never be erased and our name and picture in a special web site where people can check names to see if that person is a sexual offender.The problem is that getting arrested as a Sexual Offenders for hiking nude is the same as for having sex by force with children! Two completely different things, yet they place you in the same basket, so being arrested for hiking nude can be disastrous for your career, and even your personal life!So you can imagine how nervous one can be by being naked in a State Park! Which add to the excitement of finding a secluded spot and doing it!I've been naked at Stated Parks many times and have hundred of pictures from those "adventures". The rush, the heart beating hard, nervously watching all around for an unexpected hiker in the area. Nudity in nature and the risk of screwing up one's life in an instant because of the laws, it all add to the rush. I often think if this could be compared to racing a car in a high level category, where a lot is at stake; maybe.I just uploaded a couple of pictures, so I guess it'll take a couple of days to be available here in this group.One thing I want to do is to get pictures of me being nude in nature while cars in a close by highway can be seen behind me, to a distance that anybody would see I'm nude!KissesAngel

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

What's not to like about it? At least for some of us. One of the most common things for me is to spend some time in a State Park, search for a solitary place, and take some nudity pictures that I can use in my site. Most of the times I am very nervous of being caught since here in Colorado (for what I understand) one would be arrested and processed as Sexual Offender, with a stain in our record that will never be erased and our name and picture in a special web site where people can check names to see if that person is a sexual offender.
The problem is that getting arrested as a Sexual Offenders for hiking nude is the same as for having sex by force with children! Two completely different things, yet they place you in the same basket, so being arrested for hiking nude can be disastrous for your career, and even your personal life!
So you can imagine how nervous one can be by being naked in a State Park! Which add to the excitement of finding a secluded spot and doing it!
I've been naked at Stated Parks many times and have hundred of pictures from those "adventures". The rush, the heart beating hard, nervously watching all around for an unexpected hiker in the area. Nudity in nature and the risk of screwing up one's life in an instant because of the laws, it all add to the rush. I often think if this could be compared to racing a car in a high level category, where a lot is at stake; maybe.
I just uploaded a couple of pictures, so I guess it'll take a couple of days to be available here in this group.
One thing I want to do is to get pictures of me being nude in nature while cars in a close by highway can be seen behind me, to a distance that anybody would see I'm nude!

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

From post #1:
Nudity in nature and the risk of screwing up one's lifein an instant because of the laws, it all add to the rush. I oftenthink if this could be compared to racing a car in a high levelcategory, where a lot is at stake; maybe.
Hmm.. Being arrested for nude hiking... or... Serious injury
and possibly death in a crash :-/ ... yes, it's a real
thrill ... very risky and a lot of fun... BTW,
firesuits can be so uncomfortable and inconvenient ...but racing
naked isn't a very good option for a high level race car

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

On our way to Florida we spent a night at a hotel in the Tampa
area. The hotel had an outdoor patio with a swimming pool and hot
tub. The hot tub was large, with a capacity for 15 people. The
water temperature was perfect and the water in both pools was
crystal clear. I turned the timer on for the hot tub to see if it
bubbled and turned the water opaque but it
didn't seem to have any effect.
I told
my wife about it when I went back to the room and she said why don't you go
in? I explained that my swimsuit was in my bag
in the back of our vehicle under all our other stuff so I
wasn't going to unload everything just to get
it. She then said could you go
nude? She then said she was going to take her
shower. I stripped naked then put on my shorts and told my wife I
was going back out to the pool.
When I got to the pool there
was no one around so I took a clean towel out of the basket by the
gate and went over to the hot tub. There was a big floodlight high
on a pole at the opposite end of the patio which brightly
illuminated the whole area. I looked around and did not see any
security cameras but I could see over the fence to the parking area
for the next building and saw people walking from their car to the
building. There were lots of windows overlooking the area but they
all seemed to have the curtains closed and most were dark.
sat on the end of a lounge near the hot tub and waited until I saw
no people, then I laid the towel on my lap and pulled off my
shorts, Holding the towel around me I sat on the edge of the hot
tub, then opened the towel and slipped in. It was awesome, the
water temperature was perfect. I looked down and saw that if anyone
walked up and looked down they could see very clearly I was naked
with my penis floating up in front of me. I was relaxed and
enjoying myself.
I soaked for about 15 or 20 minutes then
holding the towel in front of me walked up the steps and wrapped
the towel around me. I picked up my shorts and went to a shadowed
area near the fence and dried off with the towel and stepped into
my shorts. When I got back to the room my wife asked me if I had
gone in and I said I had as I stepped out of my shorts so it was
obvious I had gone in nude. I didn't get any
negativity so I guess because we were far from home it was ok lol.

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

One of my fun dares is to strip and put all my clothes in a charity clothes bank. They are in town and city centres. Once I have donated all my clothes I'm obliged to be naked. I make it back to the car and the resort/home naked.

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

My experience in this risky area took place in 2003 when I was on vacation out west on my way to Shangra-La Nudist Club in Arizona. After I checked into my room, I undressed as usual and then on the spur of the moment I decided to see what was on the balcony. I saw some chairs out on the balcony and decided to try sitting in them on my towel (of course!). I stood there on the balcony before sitting down, then I saw a hotel employee walk out and then he looked up. Till this day I don't know if someone had reported me being naked on the balcony and he was there to investigate. Later I was able to take pictures of my nude body on the balcony. I should mention that my late wife's sister was with me and she was the one who took the pictures. She did not participate with me while on vacation and even at the nudist park she stayed in the room the vast majority of the time.

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RE: Doing something risky and fun

Just came back from Hawaii and did almost exactly the same thing! Spent lots of nude time in the room and on the Lanai after dark. I like to wear just a short Sarong out there for morning coffee catching the morning sun. Did get to sneak to a spot on a textile beach for a quick sunset photo! See my profile.

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RE:Doing something risky and fun

Probably the riskiest one I have ever done is to swim naked in the fountains in Trafalgar Square in London.

It was late at night but it was a hot one in Summer and there were still thousands of people there. I had loads of people take my picture and pose with me. I wish they'd crop up on the internet somewhere some day.

It was such a rush.

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