Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

retour a la cahmbre nu / back to naked room

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In November 2019, I was in Cuba at Pelicano Cayo Largo hotel at the end of the evening we were about 6 people who were still at the bar and decided to go for a swim in the naked pool we kept chatting until 2 am when I got out of the pool I didn't want to wet my clothes so I decided to go back to my room naked.
En Novembre 2019,j'etait a Cuba a hotel Pelicano Cayo Largo a la fin de la soiree nous etions environ 6 personnes qui etion encore au bar et avons decide d'aller nous baigner dans la piscine nu nous avons contuiner a jaser jusqu'a 2 heure du matin a la sorti de la piscine je ne voulais pas mouiller mes vetement alors j'ai decide de retourner a ma chambre nu.

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RE:retour a la cahmbre nu / back to naked room

Were you the only one to go back to your room naked?

A few years ago I was at the Playa Blanca in Cayo Largo. I woke up at 2am and couldn't sleep, I walked around the resort and didn't pass anyone. While I wasn't naked, I carried a t shirt and my shorts were undone.

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RE:retour a la cahmbre nu / back to naked room

I have sometimes done that after a hotel pool skinny-dip.

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RE:retour a la cahmbre nu / back to naked room

I would have to test this on my next trip to Sol Cayo Largo ....

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RE:retour a la cahmbre nu / back to naked room

t's crazy, but I liked doing it; I felt free. It would be necessary that there exists a city, village or could have done everything naked ...
c'est fou, mais j'ai aim faire cela; je me sentais libre. Il faudrais qu'il existe une ville,village ou ont pourrais tout faire nu ...

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RE:retour a la cahmbre nu / back to naked room

t's crazy, but I liked doing it; I felt free. It would be necessary that there exists a city, village or could have done everything naked ...
c'est fou, mais j'ai aim faire cela; je me sentais libre. Il faudrais qu'il existe une ville,village ou ont pourrais tout faire nu ...

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