Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Just wondering if any of you have ever gone threw a drive threw like at Dunkin Donuts or McDonald's while completely nude

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RE:Drive Threw

Yes I have, no big deal though I was in my pick-up and it sits a window level so all the cashier sees is an old man with his shirt off. At least thats what I think is all, never really worried much about it.

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RE:Drive Threw

Yes I drove naked through our local McDonalds. They could see I was naked. The guy taking my order and the money tipped off the girl at the next (delivery) window. She looked amused.

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RE:Drive Threw

Never done it yet but must do it when I have a chance.

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RE:Drive Threw

Even though I do drive naked down to the nudist resort when going, I wait until after I've gone through the drive thru at McDonalds. I'm sure that would get a call to the cops pronto where I live. And I really don't want to force my nudity on someone else. Not that kind of a risk taker.

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RE:Drive Threw

It depends on the vehicle. Enjoy nude driving, no build up of heat or moisture. If they can see down I cover. If not I don't worry about things. While our enjoyment is to be free, it is a courtesy not to offend.

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RE:Drive Through

Never drove through a drive-up. However, back in the day, my buddy Brian and I dared each other to jog home naked after our work-out at the gym. It was 1:00am in the morning, and we always wore our thin nylon jogging shorts to the gym. That night it was pleasantly warm and there was absolutely no traffic on the business streets. So we peeled-off our shorts and headed for home a about a mile away. As we neared the all-night Jack-in-the-Box about half-way home, we ran through the drive-up and looked at the people inside pointing at us. We caught a couple of whistles and a broad smile from the older lady working inside the service window....... We made it home without any trouble that night.

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RE:Drive Through

Like silver and nudey, would never do it. If someone is offended by nudity thats their choice, but I dont want confrontation or the need for a lawyer.

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RE:Drive Through

Like silver and nudey, would never do it. If someone is offended by nudity thats their choice, but I dont want confrontation or the need for a lawyer.

Laws vary by country and to a lesser extent, US states. I know our British posters have noted that simple public nudity is legal in the UK.

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RE:Drive Threw

yes done macdonalds as well as the m25 toll bridge several times when they had maned stations

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RE:Drive Through

Like silver and nudey, would never do it. If someone is offended by nudity thats their choice, but I dont want confrontation or the need for a lawyer.Laws vary by country and to a lesser extent, US states. I know our British posters have noted that simple public nudity is legal in the UK.

In most of the United States, if not cited for indecent exposure, one may be cited for disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, or being a public nuisance. As an observation, increasingly, due to local government budget issues, stretched police departments have more important crimes to investigate. Therefore, a good chance someone seen nude will be asked to put on clothes than be arrested, unless their behavior is blatantly sexual or disturbing.

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