Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Long Nude Night Walks in the Suburbs

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I find it absolutely exhilarating to go for long nude night walks around the suburban neighborhood where I live. I got into nude night walking when I was younger and am again enjoying this on a regular basis in the summer on those warm summer nights, usually on week nights. I will wait till 2 or 2:30 in the morning and will leave my house completely nude - no clothes, not even shoes as I find walking barefoot makes you feel more naked - the sensation of being naked out on the streets is great and intensifies the further from home you get without a stitch of clothing or anything else to cover yourself up - it really puts you out there. I will walk down streets, along pathways, and through parks and schools for up to 2 hours probably walking for more than 5 miles. I really like walking along streets under street lights knowing that if someone was looking out a window that they would see you. I think the really exciting thing about going for naked night walks in a suburban area is knowing that you might be seen. The cover of night is great, but you do put yourself in situations where you have no place to hide like when a car approaches (and this has happened to me a few times - I am never sure if the people in the car have seen me) or if someone else is out on the street who you do not see until the last minute. In addition to having to quickly find places to hide when cars go by (when you have enough time and a place to quickly hide), it happened to me a couple of times where I ran into people out on the streets and where I could not hide. One time when as I walking naked down a street, someone on a bike came up from behind. I did not hear him approaching and as a result had no time or place to hide and just kept on walking - what a great feeling. Another time I was walking along when I noticed someone coming toward me from the shadows between streetlights. I was under a streetlight and again had no place to go so kept walking but was able to veer off into a school site before we had to pass by each other. I love nude night walking and can hardly wait for summer to arrive to be able to again go for long nude night walks around my neighborhood.

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