Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Can anybody help me hike naked in the woods in Virginia?

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I do not drive a car because of my type one brittle diabetes and my OCD and autism altogether.

I have already fulfilled my fantasies of hiking naked at night on a walking trail in my local area, climbing rocks naked too. I have skinny dipped at the beach and at the mountain lake. Swimming naked.

Now I want to hike in the woods naked. The problem is I have nobody willing to take me to the least popular hiking trail in the mountains for me to take a naked hiking adventure. I would like to hike naked for at least 3 or 4 miles.

I hope asking this is okay in this forum, it's not something I already did which was daring but something I need help to do the next daring thing. I want to hike naked outdoors in the daytime. I would like a hiking buddy to hike nude with. The person doesn't have to be nude, and I can just hike nude, but it would look less strange for two guys to be hiking naked instead of one guy hiking naked. With two guys hiking naked it looks more normal. Then we can just say to somebody passing by: Im just a nudist enjoying a hike, or this is a great day for forest bathing, lol. I think being honest and just say I'm a nudist when somebody sees me or asks why I am naked. Although I would prefer hiking trails with the least amount of people. Heck maybe doing that, I may encounter others hiking nude :) but who knows.

Anyways, I do know of trails which do not get a lot of vehicles.

I cannot get there on my own. So if anybody wants to hike with me naked in the blue ridge mountains, please reply or message me.

I also want to hike where there is at least a water source. I have OCD so anytime I use the bathroom I like to wash with all-natural soap to clean my body and feel clean after bathroom time since I will be hiking naked (like washing my butt would be necessary after taking a you know what). That way I can find a secluded place to dig a hole to go or find a tree to pee at, and then wash my hands and wash certain parts when I feel they are dirty, and then get back to the hiking trail naked. I'm a hygienic nudist.

Also it would be nice like while hiking, go skinny dip at a creek or waterfall or river, then get back to the hiking trail.

I really want to hike naked outdoors. Can anybody who lives in Virginia or lives near Virginia, can anybody help me have my dream come true.

I do have limitations though with my request. I would like to stay in Virginia to do the hiking, in the western area. The blue ridge mountains is where I want to hike nude. Pretty much all mountain areas in Virginia I am open to hike nude at.

Hope somebody decides to help me hike nude outdoors in the wonderful beautiful nature.

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RE:Can anybody help me hike naked in the woods in Virginia?

From a personal security point of view you cannot give your address on an open forum, but it might help if you could give the "What three words" centre of a thirty or fifty-mile circle within which you wish to hike.

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RE:Can anybody help me hike naked in the woods in Virginia?

Hi there love the post and hope you find people to hike nude with. Ive done many nude hikes with a lady friend and its awesome. We have run into other hikers on a couple of occasions both times they just seamed happy to see us and had no problem checking out my very attractive lady friend. Its a beautiful thing to be nude in nature and we love doing a good 6 to 10 km walk. We leave our clothes at the car and just go, its the best way to do it. Good luck with your search, we would definitely hike nude with you if were lived closer ..peace..

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