Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

yesterday was wonderful, drove to work naked, so freeing....luv the feel of wearing nothing...

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RE: driving naked

Our close nudist friends arrived today for a long weekend visit. We did some touristy stuff before heading for home so ... the ride home was clothed. Once we got home, we got comfortable and that's the way we've been since then. Naked drinks, naked hot tub, naked dinner and a little naked TV watching ... the Golf Channel.
Our friends have had a long, long day of travel so they headed off to bed. I was about to come into the office and get on the computer when my wife says ... "your car is still on the street." I always park my car up on the driveway. So ... it's late and the coast was clear ... I walked out to the car on the street, in the nude, and got in and drove up on the driveway. I sure love the freedom to do that and the fact that our neighbors close up their windows by 10 pm so I can do this!!! :D

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RE: driving naked

Plan to drive from Il to Daytona nude next week! Once I get there plan on getting in my convertible and driving nude to Apollo nude beach!!

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RE: driving naked

Overa week ago, we took the RV outta storage. I caught a ride to the storage lot and got in the motorhome and promptly took off my clothes to drive it home. I slipped the shorts back on to get from the curb to the house but then switched to a longer shirt to wear from the house to the coach each time.
We got the motorhome all ready to go and we headed out on our camping trip. It was to a textile campground but I drove naked there and since I sit way above the guard shack ... we checked in and I still wasn't wearing anything. The campground was almost empty and we parked the coach way out away from everyone and I was able to get out and stretch in the nude but then slipped on a pair of shorts to begin hooking up all the utilities.
At the end of our trip, I drove home naked but my wife was cold and put on some clothes. I hope summer returns real soon. I like the naked company when she's warmer! hahaha

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RE: driving naked

I dared the cold, out tonight. My car was parked on the curb and I always put it up on the driveway and off the street. The Christmas lights are on a timer and they switched off. I turned off the porch light and walked out to my car on the curb. The street was lit with street lights but my path to the car was not illuminated enough for anyone to actually see me. I always make sure the coast is clear and then head out, get in my car and pull it up on the driveway.
Most times, I will sit on our glider on the porch, afterwards. But it's so cold out tonight that I just came inside. My wife likes to tease me a bit when it's too cold out for me to wear "drive naked clothes," which are shorts and t shirts and flip flops. She said to me the other night ... this cold weather must be driving you crazy ... not being able to drive naked as easily as in the warmer months. She's right! But I make due and still drive naked occasionally in the winter, whenever I get the chance.
Nattiecon ... I love your sense of adventure to try and make it from your car to your apartment in the nude! Be safe and continue on!!! :D

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RE: driving naked

Finally I am sure I have been seen. I frequently drive 200 miles from Essex to Yorkshire - naked of course. Today the two-lane stretch of the A1 near Doncaster was slow, and both lanes were moving at about the same speed. Several times I overtook the same pick-up truck - one of those with a set of seats behind the driver. Unlike normal lorries, the windows are at about the right height to see down to my lap. The 3rd or 4th time, I noticed the passenger immediately behind the driver was pointing his phone at me - obviously in the act of taking a picture!

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RE: driving naked

I had the same experience on the M1. When moving slowly through road works a lorry carefully drove alongside me for miles. That wasn't as scary as my previous journey. I got caught up in a road side survey. Although not selected for interview I was stationary alongside the traffic police man. He must have seen I was naked but was too busy directing traffic.

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RE: driving naked

yesterday was wonderful, drove to work naked, so freeing....luv the feel of wearing nothing...Yesterday was wonderful for me too. I drove to Carlisle (2 hours) naked. I had an early start so didn't bother dressing in the morning] I just bundled some clothes in a bag, got in the car and drove off - all naked. I should have remembered that the roads are not quiet early in the morning, especially as I drove out of my village. Fortunately I wasn't held up as I passed the bunch of children waiting for the school bus.

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RE: driving naked

yesterday was wonderful, drove to work naked, so freeing....luv the feel of wearing nothing...I drive naked when ever I get the chance to do it, :)

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RE: driving naked

If you have to go to work, you might as well drive there naked.

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RE: driving naked

Today I stupidly managed to fall in the canal fully clothed and had a half hour drive home to change.I stripped down to trousers in the car park by the car, put a waterproof on the seat, got in and strippped off the remainder before driving home.

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