Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Daring naked dog walk.

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One of my dogs favourite walks is along beside a river as there is plenty of places she can have a paddle but, for me the naked walking part is a problem due to many other people walking along this section but, a few weeks ago I found while I was walking along to lane back home another footpath which must join up with the one against the river and found where it went on a map. So the next time I did that walk I found it and walked it but it was too cold to do it nude.

Yesterday I did this walk with some sections along the river naked with a quick cover up when necessary and, when I started walking alone the path which joined the two together I was naked again and was naked until I got to the lane.

You might think what is daring but the new path I had found was beside a main railway line where the trains will be doing about 90 to 100 mph along this section and, I was in full view for a long section. Yes no trains have been either times I have been along this section but they have been while I have been doing the riverside walk section. So yes I will be doing this again but by the middle of the summer the crop of maze planted in the field will block that I am naked.

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

It is fun being naked next to a railway line. I did that in Spain, next to the (then) main line between Barcelona and Valencia. I thought that over 100 passengers would see me.Another time I rode the train. It goes so fast. Blink and the passenger misses everything.

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

Most likely it will only be the engine driver (or what s/he is called in your country) who will see if you are nude and, if they like it you might get a toot of the horn. Also the odd times I have been in a train very few people are looking out of the windows anyway but it is still fun to do it.

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

That really sounds great. I'd like to be able to go for longer walks in the nude. There probably are places in this area where it would be reasonably safe, but I don't know where they might be.The closest passenger trains here are likely two- or three-hundred miles away.

There is a line from St. Louis to Kansas City through Jefferson City that should be much closer than that.
Speaking of Amtrak, I know of two people who sleep nude who were on Amtrak and woke up to discover they were at a station, with the covers off and the curtain open!

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

Most likely it will only be the engine driver (or what s/he is called in your country) who will see if you are nude and, if they like it you might get a toot of the horn.

I did get a toot on the horn. But I'm told they always toot there as people can wander onto the tracks

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

My dog walks are in quiet nature areas. On the 5 mile day walk there is a two mile nature section where I (actually both of us) can walk as born. I have met others out there. One was hiking behind that I never saw. The two others were trial bicycle riders. Lead made did a double take before the female was in view. I covered and brought them to pass and even gave directions. On the night 5 mile I enjoy a 3 mile free walk, meeting a few rarely. One we check on had a guest female when I stopped by. She barely glanced and invited us to join in the conversation. And invited us back to check on them almost nightly. Also had a one time person who stopped and looked at the river as we came by. Of course dog had to say hi. That caused him to turn around but not look. Yet he made no comments about our lack of attire.
My only spass guy was a day walk where I pushed the limit.

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

Awesome. Where abouts?

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

Our city is 185000 population. Yet we have lots of fields close by. These are preserved space so they will not be built upon. North san Diego county.
Day walk is on the other side of a creek with good growth, between a mobile home park and golf course. Mostly only 1000 feet from a well traveled road.
Night walk starts at fire station, goes behind an auto auction, then behind houses. These houses have open fences and are less than 100 feet from house to trail. Maybe 60? Almost no one is out or looks out. Even as early as 9pm. The few times I have notice people in their back yards I stop and turn back early. Maybe lose only a 1/4 mile off the walk.
For over a year of these walks I have only turned early a few times. Walks have been during bright full moons to overcast. Have learned a few star constellations along the way. Makes a great end of day with a cool walk. Been also losing weight as a bonus.

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

I go camping in northern Arizona in the pine trees. I know its a whole weekend of nude camping. But its amazing to walk through the forest naked feeling the breeze hearing the birds enjoying nature. I always take my dog hell let me know if theres anybody or anything ahead of me or behind me. Im jealous of the people that can do it from their house though.

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RE:Daring naked dog walk.

A couple of Sundays ago I was doing this section of the dog walk when two trains went past with one coming towards me on the tracks nearest most likely unable to see me due to the small size of the windscreen, but the other train was coming the other way had a much larger windscreen but I was on the wrong side for the driver to seen I was naked.

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