Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Should nudism be private

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How do you feel as a nudist among others who are not nudist
I'm shy and can't withstand non nudist especially when doing my nudist thing
Should nudism be private ??

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RE:Should nudism be private

No, not at all or things will never change and we will always be segregated, it needs to be normalised and more socially acceptable as just another way of living, or we will always be living our lives behind closed doors and that goes against the freedom to live how we want..

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RE:Should nudism be private

How do you feel as a nudist among others who are not nudistI'm shy and can't withstand non nudist especially when doing my nudist thingShould nudism be private ??

To me, nudism is about being comfortable, and I couldn't be comfortable making others uncomfortable. However, if the people around me don't mind I would be naked in an instant. I am always naked at home as my wife is okay about it, and I have often wished that I could be naked around a couple we're good friends with. Not to show off, just to be comfortable.

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RE:Should nudism be private

How do you feel as a nudist among others who are not nudistI'm shy and can't withstand non nudist especially when doing my nudist thingShould nudism be private ??

To make nudism private would require a significant change in the law. Nudity in public has never been illegal in the UK and following discussions between British Naturism and the police authorities this is the current official guidance. (link)

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RE:Should nudism be private

Dianewatt wrote:

How do you feel as a nudist among others who are not nudistI'm shy and can't withstand non nudist especially when doing my nudist thingShould nudism be private ??

I'm not sure what you mean. You can make personal nudism as private or as public as you please. I'm sure there are a lot of people I know who prefer to be nude when in their own homes. For them, it's strictly a private choice.

But I think you're saying that when you're nude in public, you're bothered by clothed people seeing you. You have a choice, then, in only appearing nude in places where nudity is compulsory. Those places are hard to find, but they're there. Or you can make that a policy in your own home... if friends want to visit, they have to shuck their clothes at the door. (You might be surprised at how many people would agree to that. When I was living in a house with a hot tub in the back yard, I'd invite them to join me in a dip. No clothes allowed. And most of them, male and female alike, had no problem with that.)

But if you're saying that there should be a total ban on public nudity, I agree with the other posters that they should have a right to wear as much or as little clothing as they deem appropriate. If others are offended, they can simply turn their attention elsewhere. In every place I've been where public nudity is allowed, as on beaches or musical events, I've found that the naked people and the clothed people tend to lump themselves into distinct groups, so that each group can be comfortable associating with their own.

Sure, the naked people will be sure to draw stares from the clothed ones, but if you have a problem with that, it might be worth it to examine just why you feel that way. Do you somehow feel more vulnerable? More threatened? Talk about it with your fellow nudists, and you'll find that it's something many of them worked through and conquered.

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