Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

I know this is probly not much for a lot of people but for the first time for me it was.Went to the beach today and when I left I pulled my shorts off and drove 1 hour back to my camper with nothing on. It was not that hard to do. I was surprised that you pay more attention to other people than they do to you. First time but not the last....

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I just returned from a trip to midwest...i was able to drive naked most of the way there...stopped at a couple of rest stops only to having to put on the shorts, except for one stop i got out didnt bother putting on my shorts, it was kind of funny there were many cars there but no one was around...i guess it was a popular spot to go hiking...the only problem i had is when i came out a couple just got but from hiking...i had to choice to go back to the car completely naked...they were just a few cars away talking to each other and i dont think they even noticed me....

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I do knw that in the USA it is illegal to drive bare footed and has been law for many, many years, but did see an article a while back that was talking about it and it was stated that driving with flip flops was much more danger involved than driving bare foot. To my knowledge they have not enforced the bare foot law for many, many years. Personally I do it all the time. Mike

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I do knw that in the USA it is illegal to drive bare footed and has been law for many, many years, but did see an article a while back that was talking about it and it was stated that driving with flip flops was much more danger involved than driving bare foot. To my knowledge they have not enforced the bare foot law for many, many years. Personally I do it all the time. MikeCan you find the law and post a link? Out of curiosity I did quite a bit of digging and the only thing I've found is that people state that but in reality there is no law.

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Drove nude for the last half hour of my trip into the mountains this evening. Arrived at my cabin, turned on the flood lights to light my way unloading everything from the car into the cabin, and still nude through it all!I have been doing some much nude driving it just feels natural

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I think I may have commented on this before but if not ...

We visit close nudist friends at their winter home in AZ. The drive
there and back home is ALWAYS done while naked. I've decided to
take a short cut where there is much less civilization and less
traffic. It's always done during the afternoon so that we are back
on the freeway and in less remote areas by night.

I've take some dirt roads off the main road and we've done some
naked 4x4'ing, I've gotten out of the Jeep and taken pictures of a
couple of sunsets and of course the usual stops to water a bush and
stretch. A couple of times, I've been seen and the cars or
motorcyclists that have passed me have just honked, waved, smiled
and given me a thumbs up! I don't purposefully set out to be seen and most times I'm able to just stand behind a bush so I'm somewhat concealed but other times I've just acted as if I were dressed and don't make a big deal outta being nude on the side of that desolate road.

Probably gives them a little extra talking points about their trip
when they get home! hahaha

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Drove from job to job tonight naked and then after my gym workout home. I love the hot summer weather!

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I love to drive nude.I drove to Lake Tahoe from the San Francisco bay area nude on Wednesday, and am driving back home nude tomorrow.Such a beautiful and relaxing and free feeling and way to enjoy a drive.

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Back in the early 50's I was with my uncle in Georgia and a cop stopped him to check his drivers license and seen he was barefoot, ask him if he knew that was against the law, he said no he did not and the cop gave him a ticket for that. That is the only dealings I have had with that other than someone saying that they have kinda pushed that to the side because it was much more dangerous to drive with flip on so to help discourage that it has not been enforced in many years.

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RE: Driving NUDE

I had forgot about an occasion with my girl friend in summer of 1975 grabbing my clothes as we started to change out of our wet bathing suits when leaving the lake at dark and heading to her house. I did argue with her about it but she stripped and got naked too and said your going to do it. Well it was about an hour and a half drive thru three small towns, and the cops were out cruising around and I guess they thoughtI just had my shirt off, but one of the gave a pretty hard look but managed to get away till we got to her house and she jumped out and went inside and locked the door and turned the porch light on. She left me out there for about five minutes completely naked before she let me inside. I could hear people talking but never did see them so I don't know if they seenme or not, but they probably didas one of them started looking at me later and always smiled. I will have to admit it was a lot of fun but was scared most of the time that we would get caught.

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RE: Driving NUDE

I think the trick is ... to act as though you would if you were clothed. As soon as you get nervous and begin to act nervous, you begin to do things and act a certain way that cops can key in to. They become suspicious of your attitude and actions and that's when they decide to pull you over and figure out what's going on.
I drive naked all the time. I pass cops, I drive right up to them at stop signs and signal lights, look over at them and give them a head nod or wave/thumbs up. They will acknowledge with a head nod, most times. They could care less if I'm without a shirt. I've passed CHP cruisers and motorcycles andhave even ridden next to them a short time and I give them a thumbs up and they also respond with a head nod. I think they are thankful that I let them know that I appreciate what they do and that keeps theirfocus on other drivers! hahahaha
We have close nudist friends in WA. They tried to drive naked together in the day time in their vehicle without tinted windows. A park ranger drove pass them going the opposite direction and drove for about 200 ft then hit the brakes and turned around. My friend told his wife, slip that cover up over you.It was a leopard print and a little sheer but she slipped it on quick enough and the ranger's view was obstructed by the dust my friends are waskicking up on the dirt road.
The ranger pulled them over,came up to the passenger door and never paid attention that my friend was wrapped in a towel but paid attention to his wife and kinda gave her the once over and then said ... "sorry, thought I saw something." Myfriend asked ... "what did you see?' The ranger just said ... "I must have been mistaken. Have a nice day and drive safely." Close call thattime but they'venow limited their driving to night time! :D

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