Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

I know this is probly not much for a lot of people but for the first time for me it was.Went to the beach today and when I left I pulled my shorts off and drove 1 hour back to my camper with nothing on. It was not that hard to do. I was surprised that you pay more attention to other people than they do to you. First time but not the last....

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RE: driving nude

As well as driving nude, I have bought petrol naked too, early in the morning. My local Asda has 4 pumps that are 24hr, and the cctv cameras seem to have limited view of one pump. You are just visible from the road, and can be seen by traffic to/from the store, and the 2nd time I did it, a car came and I had to hastily put on my shorts, but I have done this a few times now, usually on a sunday when the store isnt open early morning, though there are still staff coming and going, and the risk of another motorist wanting to get fuel.

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RE: driving nude

I've also filled our cars up with fuel and done it while nude. One favorite place was an out of the way gas station on the way to AZ. We'd make the trek during the evening hours and pass this station later in the evening hours between 11 pm and 12 am. There was no traffic and no one at the station except for some young guy that manned a window for cash customers. Since I used my CC, no need to walk up to the window and I'd just pick my favorite fuel pump and get out and pump my fuel. I may have been seen by a passing car once or twice in the dozens of trips we made but never knew it.
Long story short; I drove to our previous home to complete a list of things that needed fixing before the new owners took over and close of escrow. I loaded my truck with tools and headed out. I had shorts and a t shirt to take and thought I'd put them in the truck but forgot. I needed a few things from the hardware store and when I got in the truck to head down to the store, I realized I didn't bring ANY clothes. I got down the street and my low fuel chime rang and I knew I had to get fuel because I'd never make it home. I fueled up naked and it wasn't on purpose! Now ... all our cars have a spare set of shorts, t shirt and sweatshirt in them for me and my wife.

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RE: driving nude

I often wish I lived somewhere, like Florida, where people driving without shirts are common. I drive naked at night, but where I live not wearing a shirt driving is rare. I have driven during the day wearing just a light shirt, but worry about attracting attention if I drive totally naked, without a shirt. Nevertheless, during the heat of summer I'll likely try it. Maybe driving shirtless (and driving naked!) isn't as rare as I think. Maybe I just never notice, and no one would notice me. Most people don't pay attention to other drives anyway.

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RE: driving nude

Years ago, when Red White and Blue beach was still in existence in the Santa Cruz area, I left my hotel, shed my clothes in the car, then drove to the beach, leaving all my clothes in the car, then reversed that process for the way home (getting dressed in the lot of a restaurant).
All the other beaches on that stretch of Highway 1 have parking along the highway, in full view of the passing cars. RW&B's lot was over the first set of hills. It's been a few years since I've been out that way, I wonder if Grey Whale/Devil's Slide, now that it's no longer on the main highway, you could get away with going to and from your car in the same attire you would have on the beach (last I'd heard, though, that beach has a lot less nude use than it used to).

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RE: driving nude

I just thought of another incident when I was nude and was delivering some Krispy Kreme donuts to a friend's office. I'd told her about a story of me taking my wife and some of herco workers some Krispy Kreme donuts after work one day. She said ... "I sure wish some handsome fireman would deliver me and my co workers some Krispy Kreme donuts at work!" ;-) ... so I told my wife that I'd do that for our friend. I just gotten off work and drove to the KK donut shop near home. I went through the drive thru so I was able to remain naked.
I started driving to her office and started to turn down the street her office was on and remembered ... she wanted me in uniform. I was just going to slip on the shorts and t shirt. Much more to put on then that so I needed to find a better place to dress in uniform so I turned around and headed for a 7-11 store/gas station. I parked in the back and jumped out, got my stuff ready and began dressing, completely naked outside my truck. It wasn't until I was ready to jump back into the truck that I saw the security camera way up on the roof pointing down to the back of the building. I suspect that they probably just had a good laugh about the naked guy out back.
I delivered the donuts in uniform and the ladies were very appreciative that I'd "come to their rescue," but I would have loved to have delivered them naked with just my fire helmet on! LOL :D

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RE: driving nude

I also drive nude as much as I can. Have even drove around Atlanta a few times.

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RE: driving nude

Driving nude is the norm for me. To and from work, day or night. A couple of daring challenges have entered my head for me to do...
1: When a friend ask for a ride, pick them up nude, with no clothes in the car, and nothing to cover up with
2: use the drive through at a fast food joint

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RE: driving nude

This morning I was driving nude again as usual this time of year. I got dressed in the car to drop something off at UPS (the car was parked right in front of the store - though not the store window). It was raining by the time I got back in the car and stripped down again. As I backed away, I realized there was a woman standing under the store's shelter right in front of me - and she was looking down at her phone! Yipes! However, since no police chased me down, I suspect she was texting or browsing the 'Net and may not have noticed me at all. Whew!

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RE: driving nude

Last Sunday I drove home naked - a four hour drive. It was the return leg of a similar four hour drive I did the week before. Most of the journey is along busy main roads. I make sure the car is fully fuelled, I have something to eat and drink and something to pee into. On the wayout I pulled into a layby. On the way back the traffic was held up by police protecting a broken-down vehicle, so no need for the layby.

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RE: driving nude

Last Sunday I drove home naked - a four hour drive. It was the return leg of a similar four hour drive I did the week before. Most of the journey is along busy main roads. I make sure the car is fully fuelled, I have something to eat and drink and something to pee into. On the wayout I pulled into a layby. On the way back the traffic was held up by police protecting a broken-down vehicle, so no need for the layby.

Umm - so what do you do the the pee? And what do you use?

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