Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Naked in the rain

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Has anybody been naked during a rainstorm? How was it?

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RE: Naked in the rain

I went To the Dustbin Nude After A Bath...The RainJust Felt Like A Warm Shower...VeryNice!

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RE: Naked in the rain

I spend a couple of weeks at a cabin during the summer each year and am nude the entire time. I always hope there is a warm rain. It feels great! It's the only vacation I take when I hope we have a "bad" weather day.

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RE: Naked in the rain

Since we are naked about 99.9% of the time, here at home, I'm frequently naked in the rain ... if it rains! We've had a couple of storms pass through the area this past month and we've gotten some good rain out of them. I'm usually headed out to the trash bins, to my work shed or needing to do something outside, while it's raining, and it makes more sense to be naked and in the rain than to be dressed in the rain. My wife always keeps a basket of clean, dry towels near the back sliding door. If I'm wet enough ... I'll grab a towel, dry off and then bring the towel in and put it in the dryer.
Summer rains are the best. Warm temps and cool rain ... I'll get out there on purpose just to enjoy a good summer rain!

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RE: Naked in the rain

Has anybody been naked during a rainstorm? How was it?Short of a hail storm - no need to ask.

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RE: Naked in the rain

As I take the rubbish and/or recycling out every Friday and i am naked when I do it the climate in south Wales gives me little option other than to do it in the rain rather regularly.However, I would hardly ever refer to the rain we get as being warm - especially in the winter months - this video recorded from the front porch tells the story https://vimeo.com/47707786

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RE: Naked in the rain

As a kid i used to take showers in the rain it was a blast

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RE: Naked in the rain

Yes I've been caught in the rain a few times. Mostly it was cold! There was a time in Greece when I was caught on a boat in anextremely heavy rainstorm which was not too cold. That was quite invigorating.

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RE: Naked in the rain

Yes, several times. I love it, the feeling of rain on the skin is awesome. As long as its not cold outside ofc XD.I higly recommend it

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RE: Naked in the rain

I have been naked in the rain lots of times by choice but probably
not in what I think of as a storm w lightening, strong winds, etc.
Just this morning I got caught in a medium size shower while I was
out taking pics in a remote coastline. Off came the clothes and
everything went into the backpack to stay dry including the camera.
Great feeling, the ocean was beautiful and I just waited it out.
The clothes went back on long after the rain stopped and I resumed
taking pics. I swear, I take my best pics when I am naked. May
post some when I get home.

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RE: Naked in the rain

It is such an awesome feeling!! Walking nude in Nature while feeling the rain in the whole body. It is such a natural thing. After all, rain is how Nature cleans up itself and its creatures.

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