Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)


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I agree with trying to not offend anyone. One night at work, I got soaked in the rain and decided to not drive home like that, so I stripped and drove home naked, knowing that no one could see me unless I had my dome light on.Once I got soaked by an afternoon storm at Haulover Beach. Decided to drive home nude. Removed my wet clothes before getting into my car in the parking lot (not supposed to be nude there, but I was parked in a secluded spot) and kept a towel handy in case I needed to cover my lap. Totally uneventful 40 minute drive home.

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I don't drive naked for the thrill, for the hope that someone will see me, ... I've gotten into many a argument with others, on here, about my driving nude and them referring to some of us that do that, as exhibitionists. First ... if I were an exhibitionist I'd drive naked only in the daylight hours, I'd would NOT have tinted my car windows so dark that you can't see into my vehicles and do ALL I could to be seen. Instead; I drive naked all hours of the day and night, I have dark tint on the windows of my vehicles, I am always aware of my surroundings and always have a towel or pair of shorts nearby ... in the event ... that someone MIGHT be able to see me and I won't take chances with that.I've driven naked for over 30 years. I've talked with city cops, sheriff deputies, highway patrolman ... they've ALL said ... "as long as you're not being lewd ... AND ... if we've got nothing else more important to do, we won't bother with someone simply driving naked. It's not an issue with us." How is it that law enforcement officers, both men and women, see this as a non issue, yet ... we have nudists on this site that see it as an issue. Some just like to listen to their own BS. :DI have to agree, I've driven nude on some long trips, but it was nothing lewd, just driving down the road. Like you my windows do have tint, but they are not that dark. Always keep something close if needed.

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I drive home naked from most places we visit. Depending on where and when we are heading home, I always find a place to get comfortable without exposing myself to any others. Sparse parking lots, empty parking lots, side streets or on a curb at night when no one is out and about. Sometimes I can get out of the car and strip, other times I have to strip in the car.Once when driving across the Everglades on I-75 after dark, decided doing it nude would be fun and safe. Did the same as you, found a spot at the rest area where my car would block anyone from seeing me nude and removed my clothes.

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I also love to drive naked, but I am very careful. I feel the same as a lot of members here - I love the feeling of the freedom, but I have no desire to get caught and I am not looking to shock people. I was on a trip in AZ a few years back, and I was driving through some back mountain roads and there was hardly any traffic (it was middle of the day on a weekday). I decided it was a good time to be able to drive naked so I took off the clothes and was enjoying some beautiful scenery and naked driving. At one point I stopped at an empty rest stop and walked around naked (there is a picture on my profile). When I got back in the car I had a nagging feeling that I was pushing my luck so I decided to put my shorts back on. After I drove off, I had not gone a few miles when I came around a corner and in front of me was a construction crew and a policeman. I had to stop because the road was blocked and the policeman came over to me and explained how I had to detour around the construction. If I had been naked, there was no way I would have had time to get any clothes on, so it just goes to show - listen to your gut feeling about when it is safe and when not.

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The chances of getting caught are too high for me. In this area, if you were caught, you'd wind up on a sex offender list. That said, years ago my ex-wife used to flash her big, firm tits and bare pussy at truckers. Oh, the expressions on their faces. Priceless.

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The bottom line, as a former LEO, check out what the laws are in your state. It is actually legal in many states to drive nude as long as you are not being lewd. If someone looks over at you and you are masturbating, or even have an erection, that is lewd behavior. If a woman purposely exposes her pussy to others by spreading her legs, that would be considered lewd behavior. If you are doing these things, you are an exhibitionist, not a nudist. I love to drive nude here in Western Colorado, but I will not do it in a way that might offend others.

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Earlier today I had to take our dogs for a ride in the minivan. (Wife was showing the house to prospective buyers.) Decide it would be nice to do it nude, as it was sunny and the temperature was in the lower 80s. So after filling the tank with gas, pulled into a quiet area and slid my gym shorts off. Had a nice 40 minutes of driving around some areas now under development; not a lot of other vehicles of people around. Question for you folks; do you consider it nude driving if still wearing a shirt? (Left it on as to not bring attention to me.)

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The bottom line, as a former LEO, check out what the laws are in your state. It is actually legal in many states to drive nude as long as you are not being lewd. If someone looks over at you and you are masturbating, or even have an erection, that is lewd behavior. If a woman purposely exposes her pussy to others by spreading her legs, that would be considered lewd behavior. If you are doing these things, you are an exhibitionist, not a nudist. I love to drive nude here in Western Colorado, but I will not do it in a way that might offend others.DonExactly! I was a firefighter for 32 years. I've dealt with and worked along side CHP, Sheriffs, Local PD, LAPD ... in every case, I've made some good friends and contacts and I point blank asked ... "if someone is driving in the nude, is that against the law?" Each and every CHP officer, Sheriff Deputy, Local PD officer and LAPD officer said ..."we've got more important things to tend to besides hassling someone that is "simply" driving nude. If they are being lewd, we will investigate." I told them all that I frequently drive naked from home to work and back. That I will drive home from a nudist venue, beach and not wear anything but always have a towel on the seat to wrap around me, if needed, and my shorts nearby in any case that I may have to exit the car. ALL of them said ... "I don't know of any guys I work with that would give you grief for simply driving naked and not being lewd."
I've tinted my windows and I actually just got stopped by a cop the other day for not wearing my seat belt. I wasn't naked because the drive was just too short a drive to put things on and take them off and put them back on again... something I used to do all the time but stopped. I usually wear my seat belt but got in a hurry and got thinking about other things and just didn't think about it. It was a good wake up call to get me to remember all the time but I wonder ... what would he have done if I were naked and just thrown my shorts over my lap?

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Earlier today I had to take our dogs for a ride in the minivan. (Wife was showing the house to prospective buyers.) Decide it would be nice to do it nude, as it was sunny and the temperature was in the lower 80s. So after filling the tank with gas, pulled into a quiet area and slid my gym shorts off. Had a nice 40 minutes of driving around some areas now under development; not a lot of other vehicles of people around. Question for you folks; do you consider it nude driving if still wearing a shirt? (Left it on as to not bring attention to me.)At that sort of temperature I would have expected plenty of drivers to be driving shirtless anyway.It is then that i tend to drive nude.

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Earlier today I had to take our dogs for a ride in the minivan. (Wife was showing the house to prospective buyers.) Decide it would be nice to do it nude, as it was sunny and the temperature was in the lower 80s. So after filling the tank with gas, pulled into a quiet area and slid my gym shorts off. Had a nice 40 minutes of driving around some areas now under development; not a lot of other vehicles of people around. Question for you folks; do you consider it nude driving if still wearing a shirt? (Left it on as to not bring attention to me.)There are just way too many rules about "what" constitutes "nude." I've worn a sport shirt or Hawaiian shirt many times but have worn nothing else and I still consider it driving nude. Most times those types of shirts are unbuttoned but occasionally I'll wear a t shirt and I still consider it being nude.
I remember a discussion, not long ago, where some were actually arguing the fact that if you are wearing shoes or flip flops, sandals ... you're not really nude! Some of those arguments are just a bit too over the top with their rules and opinions. :D

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