Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Nude pool challenge

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I live in a marina which is one of several in this harbor. Also a number of condo developments. Each of the surrounding complexes have a pool. One night on a very warm spring evening i challenged myself to take a dip in all 5 pools. It started at 1230 or so and i set off nude and excited. I worked my way all around carefully dodging an occasional headlight or dog walker. The total circuit was just over a mile around with all sorts of challenges...long sections of boardwalk, closed restaurants, gates and lots of available hiding spots. With not a stitch on it was incredibly free and exciting. An hour or so later i returned to my starting point having met the challenge. Not sure how i can top this adventure.

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RE:Nude pool challenge

Awesome self-dare story ....... The threat of being caught totally nude as you get further away from your clothes makes the dare more stimulating, even when you are alone. We always did them at night after the folks went bed. My buddy Brian usually decided on a destination to reach, maybe to the park a few blocks away, or to the school to swim naked in their pool without the night watchman catching us! One night after working out in the gym, absolutely no one was out on the street. The gym attendant left before we did and trusted us to lock the door for him...... So Brian dared us to jog nude the ten-blocks home. So we tossed our gym shorts in the locker and locked the gym doors and took off. We had no choice but start jogging because we didn't have a key to get back inside the locker room. Anyway, to make a long story short..... We jogged in the shadows when a couple cars drove past. The drivers didn't seem to notice. Once we got off of the main business street we were pretty much free to take our time because most of the houses were dark. For fun we'd stop under a street light until one of us said it was time to resume jogging. I think stopping under the street light increased the possibility of being seen by someone. ...... Keep exploring your neighbor and write again to tell us more about your nude adventures...... Alex

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RE:Nude pool challenge

It sounds like you had a similar nude walk. For sure it is interesting to venture far away from safe haven in the nude but when I think back, it was very freeing for sure. At that hour of the morning it was pretty easy to see cars coming and once my eyes got adjusted I could sort of scan the area ahead to see if anything moved....while always knowing where my hiding place was if I needed it. Never really thought about cameras but hey.....Im still here........Enjoy your nude challenges. I wish it was a bit warmer here but for now I have to rely on thinking back to the walk. Best nude wishes....

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RE:Nude pool challenge

Sounds like a great time. Hotel Pools would be a fun adventure.

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RE:Nude pool challenge

Every few months or so I get together with some buddies to hang nude, drink some beer, and relax. Usually we meet at my one buddy's apartment which is part of a huge complex. He lives on maybe the second or third floor of his building and has a balcony that overlooks a giant pond. The pond is completely surrounded by other apartment buildings, parking lots, and roads.
One night when we were hanging, we all were feeling appropriately intoxicated and decide to go down to the lake and skinny dip. I really wanted to swim so I definitely was trying to convince the guys. I went with another guy and we jumped in, swimming in the pond for maybe 20 minutes or so. Once we decided we were over it, we got out and went back upstairs to our friends apartment.
I didn't fully process the event till the next day. In order to get to the lake, we ran down flights of stairs, past so many apartment doors completely nude. Fortunately no one noticed (I think). Either way, it was hella fun.

The very next time we all got together I made sure we had a repeat performance.

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RE:Nude pool challenge

We once sold my wifes niece out door chairs and I said joking if you let me skinny dip we will sell them half price , she said sure , like a month latter she said when are you comming over to collect on our deal it had been warm so I said ok I went over a day latter she said go have fun I was out swimming she came out saw my clothes on the chair and walked over to the edge wear I was swimming and said she had bought the kids pop tarts and would I like to try them she be right back , when she came back out I jumped out of the pool and she handed me the pop tart the hole time I was nude

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RE:Nude pool challenge

Did the niece ever join you?

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RE:Nude pool challenge

No I asked her but no

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RE:Nude pool challenge

Not quite the same thing but yesterday morning I left my hotel room naked, walked to the beach, skinny-dipped, showered afterwards and walked back completely naked.
(Pictures from previous occasion)

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RE:Nude pool challenge

I am inspired by your profile and stories! Do you ever get caught or stopped? How do you handle it?

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RE:Nude pool challenge

Many years ago (back in the 90's), when my wife and I were dating she lived in an apartment that had a beach them. Lots of pools all over it. At one time it had been a classy place, but by this time it was a bit run down.

There was a pool between her building and the next one, a tiny one but a pool. It closed at 10, and they turned off the lights. Sometimes they locked the front gate, but there was also a back one that was never locked. We used to slip in there for a late night swim.

So late one night we were swimming, got frisky, wound up slipping out of our suits and having some "fun". After that we started going to the pool in only our towels.

There were a few times, really really late (like 3 or 4 am) we actually walked down there completely nude, not even towels. Quite a rush! Were never caught that we know of, although someone could have been peeking out a window.

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