Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Nude in the Front Yard

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I figure it is one thing to go natural in a random place. Have you ever gone nude in your front yard?

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I live on a very busy intersection. Well over 2k cars pass by daily. I even own a business on site.

My first times naked out front were due to sleepwalking. Now I commonly walk out to my vehicle or even over to my office naked at night.

Now, we have a huge back lot. If I know that Im gonna mow it early in the morning I will get up about 5:30-6 and start on the side closest to the intersection and work my way to the woods. Do I do it to get caught? No, I do it to get it done and while its not 100F!

Now all that being said, we have an above ground pool. Even tho we have a privacy fence surrounding it when you get onto our deck its well above the fence. Daily 2-4x passerbys can see me walking out to the pool naked from 3 points of the intersection. The fence is a new thing this year. And only fences in my pool. So before this year everyone saw everything in my up close back yard.

While Ive yet to be naked in front of a customer Im commonly naked in front of my workers. My full time employee, she has been a long time friend that has seen me naked for over 20 years. And all of my labor workers know Im a nudist. Some have seen some havent. But Ive spoken to all of them naked standing in the pool with them outside the pool and they knew it.

Ive gotten to the point in life I just dont care anymore. Heck its just nudity. I dont ever get sexual with my soon to be wife in front of anyone. But that was a part of my life with my x. I wish being naked, as long as its not sexual, was perfectly legal. Meanwhile these days Im not trying to arouse anyone. And that is part of our nudity law here. So as long as Im not trying to do that it should be legal, until the cops get here.... Never had a cop called on me yet. I cant tell ya how many thousands of people have seen me naked, even if they didnt notice it. Im just nothing to look at anymore haha

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

Okay a live post I am just going to do that now 1030pmwait for it.1041 I am back fun no one saw thrilling but disappointed no one noticed.maybe next time.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I have trimmed the bushes in the front yard nude and rocked on the porch sometimes but not where i can really be seen by the neighbors. I don't get a thrill in the "what if I get caught scenario". Now in the back yard i have gotten a little more brazen. Just yesterday I was out cleaning the hot tub nude which is closest to the neighbors to the north and if they were out tending their horses in the heat of the day (not likely this time of year) they might have been able to see me but we are moving in a month and I really don't care. They are renters anyway.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

Back to being naked out front quite often. It's usually in the very early morning hours or late at night. I sit on our glider for a bit and then will sometimes stroll the walkway, sidewalk and driveway and check for anything amiss. It would be great to do so in the daylight hours but that's not reality in my lifetime, so I'll take what I can. Di won't go completely nude but wears the minimum she can get away with.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I take the trash out regularly before the sun comes up. There is a street light 60 feet from where I leave the trash at the curb and our house is lit up like a Christmas tree, so I am in full view of anyone that might be out in the neighborhood, but there doesn't seem to be any early risers on my street. I drive home naked from the gym, I usually am leaving before 6:00am, I strip down in the parking lot standing by my car, and drive home. Our garage has become a storage unit so we can't park in it so I get out of the car and walk into the house naked. When we hit the house the clothes come off before anything else happens, so if we've forgotten anything in the car I usually will go naked to get whatever it is. I mow the back yard naked and will carry the grass bags about 30 feet down the side of the house, In front of the privacy fence, in view of anyone that might be going by. I was invited to play golf this weekend and I haven't played in at least 5 years, so I was hitting some practice balls in the back yard. I hit one into the neighbor's front yard and went to retrieve it naked. Since I have been laid off through this shutdown, I have discovered that the neighborhood is very quiet during the day. So, I have gotten fairly comfortable going in the front yard, but I always do stick my head out first to make sure no one is visible before I venture out. the closest call I've had so far was when taking the trash out one morning. The neighbor lady, two houses down. was near the sidewalk and was walking to her back yard. I don't know why. I was carrying 3 large bags of grass clippings, so she wouldn't have seen anything until I sat them down and returned to the house, so I slowed my pace and she was out of sight before I got to the curb. I kept my eyes on her and I don't think she ever knew I was there.

I really would love to live in a Naturist neighborhood!!!

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I take the trash out regularly before the sun comes up. There is a street light 60 feet from where I leave the trash at the curb and our house is lit up like a Christmas tree, so I am in full view of anyone that might be out in the neighborhood, but there doesn't seem to be any early risers on my street. I drive home naked from the gym, I usually am leaving before 6:00am, I strip down in the parking lot standing by my car, and drive home. Our garage has become a storage unit so we can't park in it so I get out of the car and walk into the house naked. When we hit the house the clothes come off before anything else happens, so if we've forgotten anything in the car I usually will go naked to get whatever it is. I mow the back yard naked and will carry the grass bags about 30 feet down the side of the house, In front of the privacy fence, in view of anyone that might be going by. I was invited to play golf this weekend and I haven't played in at least 5 years, so I was hitting some practice balls in the back yard. I hit one into the neighbor's front yard and went to retrieve it naked. Since I have been laid off through this shutdown, I have discovered that the neighborhood is very quiet during the day. So, I have gotten fairly comfortable going in the front yard, but I always do stick my head out first to make sure no one is visible before I venture out. the closest call I've had so far was when taking the trash out one morning. The neighbor lady, two houses down. was near the sidewalk and was walking to her back yard. I don't know why. I was carrying 3 large bags of grass clippings, so she wouldn't have seen anything until I sat them down and returned to the house, so I slowed my pace and she was out of sight before I got to the curb. I kept my eyes on her and I don't think she ever knew I was there.I really would love to live in a Naturist neighborhood!!!
While you are a not at retirement age yet, you may be old enough to start thinking about it. If you have, do your plans include moving to a clothing optional location and getting rid of most of your clothes?

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I take the trash out regularly before the sun comes up. There is a street light 60 feet from where I leave the trash at the curb and our house is lit up like a Christmas tree, so I am in full view of anyone that might be out in the neighborhood, but there doesn't seem to be any early risers on my street. I drive home naked from the gym, I usually am leaving before 6:00am, I strip down in the parking lot standing by my car, and drive home. Our garage has become a storage unit so we can't park in it so I get out of the car and walk into the house naked. When we hit the house the clothes come off before anything else happens, so if we've forgotten anything in the car I usually will go naked to get whatever it is. I mow the back yard naked and will carry the grass bags about 30 feet down the side of the house, In front of the privacy fence, in view of anyone that might be going by. I was invited to play golf this weekend and I haven't played in at least 5 years, so I was hitting some practice balls in the back yard. I hit one into the neighbor's front yard and went to retrieve it naked. Since I have been laid off through this shutdown, I have discovered that the neighborhood is very quiet during the day. So, I have gotten fairly comfortable going in the front yard, but I always do stick my head out first to make sure no one is visible before I venture out. the closest call I've had so far was when taking the trash out one morning. The neighbor lady, two houses down. was near the sidewalk and was walking to her back yard. I don't know why. I was carrying 3 large bags of grass clippings, so she wouldn't have seen anything until I sat them down and returned to the house, so I slowed my pace and she was out of sight before I got to the curb. I kept my eyes on her and I don't think she ever knew I was there.I really would love to live in a Naturist neighborhood!!!While you are a not at retirement age yet, you may be old enough to start thinking about it. If you have, do your plans include moving to a clothing optional location and getting rid of most of your clothes?

Or even go one step futher like someone on another board said he wanted to do. Once you get there, stock up on supplies, make sure you can get next day delivery for clothing from some on line retailer, and get rid of the few clothes you brought, Then you can live truly clothing free for a little while and order just when you need when you need it.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I enjoyed your daring little trips .. I thought I was daring by hanging clothes while naked on the line at a side passage but it seems not ...

Your neighboues will enventually rename you "naked guy"

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

The roses in my front garden always attract attention from all those passing, especially when I'm tending to them naked. It's a favourite dog-walking route so they get time to take in the scene. They even notice the sign on the gate to my back garden warning that it may contain nudity.

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RE:Nude in the Front Yard

I don't have a front yard. My front door opens to a sidewalk on a major street with traffic 24/7, including pedestrians. The least I've worn out front is boxers. My backyard is cloaked, so I garden in the nude. I'm up before the sun to ride bikes with my bud, so I often pull the truck around to the alley, where I load the bikes before putting on my clothes. This is also when I carry out the trash. The dumpster is about 1/4 of the way down the block. Though the sun is not yet up, the alley is well enough lit by streetlights. Not as busy as the street, but I have been surprised by someone walking in the alley. But I doubt I've ever been "caught".

My second floor deck has a low curtain so I can lounge nude. The other day after dozing on the deck for a while, I got up to go inside when I noticed there were AC guys working on the roof of the building next door. Oops!

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