Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Doing something risky and fun

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What's not to like about it? At least for some of us. One of the most common things for me is to spend some time in a State Park, search for a solitary place, and take some nudity pictures that I can use in my site. Most of the times I am very nervous of being caught since here in Colorado (for what I understand) one would be arrested and processed as Sexual Offender, with a stain in our record that will never be erased and our name and picture in a special web site where people can check names to see if that person is a sexual offender.
The problem is that getting arrested as a Sexual Offenders for hiking nude is the same as for having sex by force with children! Two completely different things, yet they place you in the same basket, so being arrested for hiking nude can be disastrous for your career, and even your personal life!
So you can imagine how nervous one can be by being naked in a State Park! Which add to the excitement of finding a secluded spot and doing it!
I've been naked at Stated Parks many times and have hundred of pictures from those "adventures". The rush, the heart beating hard, nervously watching all around for an unexpected hiker in the area. Nudity in nature and the risk of screwing up one's life in an instant because of the laws, it all add to the rush. I often think if this could be compared to racing a car in a high level category, where a lot is at stake; maybe.
I just uploaded a couple of pictures, so I guess it'll take a couple of days to be available here in this group.
One thing I want to do is to get pictures of me being nude in nature while cars in a close by highway can be seen behind me, to a distance that anybody would see I'm nude!

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RE:Doing something risky and fun

I think my riskiest was setting out from opposite the Travel Lodge hotel's breakfast room in my boat one morning.

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RE:Doing something risky and fun

Its finally springlike here, so after a first nights reconnasaince (since I can walk again after knee replacement 10 months ago) scouting the neighborhood for motion sensor lights and ring camera doorbells, I found a couple of almost full block stretches with little lamp coverage to walk my dog. Tonight at around 11pm, slight breeze, 58F I found the dark walks with my big Akita, off came the shorts and shirt. Just glorious! Had to do 1 quick cover up when a car turned a corner towards me 4 blocks away. Don't think I was seen as they turned in at the next corner. This was the first time I dared myself to do this. Bit of a thrill... felt wonderful. Next, perhaps later one night I'll dare myself all the way around the block in early morning hours with less traffic. I've also decided that I've got to hike nude! I love hiking this can only make it better.

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RE:Doing something risky and fun

Several years back I was headed home driving past a National Forest area which I knew had a five mile hiking trail. It was a summer day around mid afternoon and had just stopped raining. Normally I would not entertain this in Louisiana in the summer due to the heat but the rain had cooled the outside air considerably, so I decided to pass by the trail for a visit. There was usually five or so vehicles in the parking area but this time -none so I decided to have my first nude walk in nature. I disrobed and locked my clothes, shoes, and all in the vehicle and hid the key nearby. Now it was just me with no recourse. I enjoyed a two hour walk through the national forest. I was just seconds from the parking area feeling mighty good when bang, the sound of car doors closing and babbling people was heard. If they decided to walk the trail in reverse I would be definitely discovered, not even a leaf to cover with. I decided to venture closer to see the picture. The group of ten or so walked right by and proceeded to the overlook viewing area passing only feet away. As soon as they passed I stepped back on the trail and proceeded back to the vehicle. They were so occupied they never had any idea I was there. After feeling so good I drove home some 45 miles nude!
Can't wait to go again!

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RE:Doing something risky and fun

Last month I decided to drive to a business destination nude in my delivery truck. I usually leave my clothes in the front just in case but was feeling a bit daring and wondered what it would feel like to not have that comfort at hand if needed. This time I put my clothes and shoes in the back of the truck. This means I would have to get out of the truck to retrieve them if needed. I was excited to get started. It was a real rush driving away knowing I had no recourse to cover unless going outside of the vehicle. The trip was to be around 110 miles away which meant two hours of pleasure. I was completely content and secure until I looked at the fuel gauge which in my haste I had overlooked! I was on the interstate in a rural area and realized I had just enough to make the next fuel exit some 20 miles away. The only problem is I knew this exit was a very busy one and traffic was much too busy around me to stop on the highway. I braved it to the exit and pulled into a large convivence store to refuel as my low fuel buzzer was ringing. All ten pumps were occupied but I did find a spot near the end one. After several minutes of scrutinizing the patrons and area, I managed to stand beside the truck unnoticed with the door in the open position. I inserted my card only to realize I had left my reading glasses in my shirt pocket- in the rear of the truck! Oh Crap! I could not recognize a single thing on the pump monitor. I had no choice but to stand tall, walk around the back, open the large roll up door and retrieve my glasses. To this day I cant believe I was not spotted or if I was it was kept quiet! After fueling up my journey continued. There was no way I was going to put on clothes after this excitement!

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