For anyone who has taken a chance & been naked on a non nudist beach, or who has walked a long distance naked on a public path / trail !


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It was incredible yesterday, August 27, 2021 - I spent the whole day at Hippie Hollow in Austin TX which is a clothing optional Park - I was naked for 5-6 hours in the sun and swimming in Lake Travis. Then I went to dinner Then came home and stripped and showed off nude with others on a video chat room for hours Finally I decided to walk around the neighborhood naked at 2 am. - went 3 blocks! It was so exhilarating and no issues. Hope to get to do some of this again tomorrow 8 28 21. Will report if I do. And here is photo and short video - sorry I don't have a selfie stick nor was there much light in my cul de sac where the walk started so couldn't capture much. Will think on how can capture more maybe tonight. AustinJohn

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Indeed it's wonderful, but there's way to many sensor lights and security cameras (with the faint flow of red LEDs suggesting IR capabilities) in my neighbourhood. Even last night there was one new sensor light and a camera I hadn't noticed before. I wait to get to parklands for the full experience, but stick to a shirt and running shorts for the local streets, with the occasional bout of Donald Ducking.

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Indeed it's wonderful, but there's way to many sensor lights and security cameras (with the faint flow of red LEDs suggesting IR capabilities) in my neighbourhood. Even last night there was one new sensor light and a camera I hadn't noticed before. I wait to get to parklands for the full experience, but stick to a shirt and running shorts for the local streets, with the occasional bout of Donald Ducking.

Why do you wear a shirt. A man can't get in trouble for being shirtless,

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Honestly I didn't think about that until got back - yes that could have been bad I guess. I only went a few blocks and cul de sacs and there was no moon that night so pretty dark. I stayed on the sidewalks and street so probably too far away for visibility.

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I did some nude night walking, around 10-10.30pm, so a bit earlier, when I was on holiday in Queensland recently. I posted the story in another couple of groups. Went a couple of blocks but on the main road into the coastal town, stopped before I got to the bar & restaurant where music was still playing. Walked past a restaurant that was cleaning up, gave them a wave & walked on.

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My only ever night walk back in 2010 was also my first ever urban nude walk.
Since then I have preferred to do all my walks in daylight - with the urban walks being mostly shortly after dawn.
However I did manage to take three, rather poor, pictures on that occasion which can be seen below.

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The walk I mentioned above was when I was in Far North Queensland a couple of years ago, was there alone thinking about my late wife, we had stayed at that town years before. I didn't mention that many years ago (before kids) when we still lived in Melbourne, we walked home from a party nearby and had both had plenty to drink. It was a hot summer night and as I got near home I said it would be a good night for a nude walk. My wife dared me so I did, stripped off and carried my clothes home. Got to the front door and she dared me again, so I did a lap of our local block. Thankfully she did not lock me out, she thought it was fun and funny, but she didn't dare me again.

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A few years ago I was regularly going for nude walks at night. Nothing like it here in our climate in summer! But I tend to agree with some other comments here about sensor cams ('porch cams') being ever more present. The 'youth crime' issue here in Queensland has seen an unprecedented sale of these devices. Even in my neighbourhood where there is very little of the issue if at all people are buying and installing them.

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