Conservative Nudists
Nudists who politically lean moderate to conservative. We should consider ourselves "politically" conservative.
Trump is my president
Return to DiscussionsTrump is indeed conservative but is far too combative. I believe the dems want him to win the nomination to solidify the middle to left wing voting block and win the election. That way, the folks behind the green curtain (that are un-electable) can continue to destroy the current system so as to reinvent it in a new socialist / communist system variant. It almost unbelievable if you compare the relative casualty count of Hitler with the communist dictators Stalin & Mao. Hitler was even close and if I remember correctly, Stalin just barely eked out Mao. Both ran extensive re-education camps for non-believers. As for my choice for president, DeSantis is probably the best candidate for the upcoming fray. He is already battling the media backed *left loons* and has won many engagements. We just have to do our part & hope for the best.