Conservative Nudists

Nudists who politically lean moderate to conservative. We should consider ourselves "politically" conservative.

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RE:Worth your time to read

I hope that most of you realize that the whole "climate thing" is a hoax. The whole point is to get everyone to toe the line in general and become more subservient to the government and various ruling authorities. Doubt that? Please read this article:

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RE:Worth your time to read

I dont doubt that there is some climate change as nothing is ever static. The real question is has humanities energy production caused a significant portion of it or its relative speed. I dont think mankind has even pricked the surface of planet Earth. Were just here to offer a little variation in the population of squatters. The champion green leadership has a vested interest in another type of green. Thats probably the only position I agree with the infamous AOC; its all about the Benjamins. I would like to be alive when the pretend environmentalists are removed from their lofty perch but suspect Ill be Soylent green by then. You folks around, please enjoy it for me.

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RE:Worth your time to read

With another round of voting comes the concern about the honesty of elections. I know for many, this gets old. However, we do need honest elections. Do we have that? Please read...

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RE:Worth your time to read

In the past, I have posted a number of things from a variety of conservative sources. I don't believe that I have posted from "Sundance" who writes for the Conservative Treehouse. If you read his work, you will find that he not only reports the facts, but also digs much deeper than most, and also provides valuable interpretation of what is happening. That is the case with the two following/related articles on this last round of Mid-Term elections:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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RE:Worth your time to read

I have posted a number of articles on both the covid virus and "the jab." Here is a very technical article regarding the damage done by the vaccine:

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RE:Worth your time to read

Here is a German Study that shows that the more Covid boosters you get, the more likely you are to get Covid. There are some easy to understand charts in here. I am not surprised at all, but I assume that many are.

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RE:Worth your time to read

Do you know the real history of slavery, whether in the U.S. or elsewhere? The answer is probably not. If you want to know the truth, then I think you will find the following quite interesting:

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RE:Worth your time to read

Do you think that "Renewable Energy" will eventually be the answer to our needs? Think again. The real-world answer is that it will not. Read this article that explains that certain functions are not even possible without using old fashion coal. We need to live in the "real-world" when making important decisions, instead of the fantasy world that many in the "Sky is Falling" group-think.

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RE:Worth your time to read

Global Warming: Are you concerned or do you believe that it is largely a hoax? Read on....

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RE:Worth your time to read

If you don't read American Thinker, I recommend that you do:

There are always thought provoking articles listed there. Yesterday, there was a very interesting post to remind all of us that many of the political topics of the day are not really the end goal. They are just issues that the Authoritarian Left uses to stir up their troops. Keep an eye on the end-game. That is the important thing:

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