Completely Stripped

Natural. No piercings. No tattoos. No makeup. No nail color. No jewelry. No wristband. Completely bare. Completely Stripped. Completely naked. Completely nothing.

Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

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It is very cool. Each guy is slowly undressed one by one. Each guy receives the following attention by all the guys surrounding him - first there is light touch by everyone all over his body followed by the request "may I remove your ______ (one item of clothes)" when that item is removed, again all the guys lightly touch his skin as he begins to feel very sensual. He is then asked if another item may be removed following the same hands on touch by all the other guys. This continues until every item of clothes are removed and he is standing naked before them. At this point, they will all lightly touch him everywhere from head to toe as he stands before them nude. The group then begins with another guy following the same ritual. This continues until everyone in the room is naked. It is extremely sensual and arousing.

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

When coming massages they have my bra and panty off. I was on my back naked and have them massage. That is next step to another level of massage.

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

Oh my goodness, I would enjoy that very much!y

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

That would be something I would enjoy!! I already go to Asian massage parlors were they let you be naked without any covering which is so comfortable I hate having those sheets wrapped around me like a damn diaper LOL

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

All massages should be naked. Relaxed and enjoyable.
Did you have massage while pregnant ?

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

I would love to participate! Where?

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

Hello., this is all very new to me and Im full of questions . Does this group meet in the Long Island-New York area. Is s there a specific all mens group as well ? A number of years ago I used to attend a all mens massage group in downtown NYC where we did a similar ritual to start by the group removing one person clothing at a time. It was wonderful! Thank you. My name is Barry

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

back in my 20's a co-worker invited me to a cj party the first invite i reluctantly turned down even though i was bi but a few week later i told him next get together i'd like to come.well a week or so later he said come saturday there would be 12 and expect to get nude . saturday morning came the get together was after lunch and i decided since it was summer to wear very little i think a t shirt , gym shorts and either sandals or tennis shoe , when i arrived at his apartment i had to sit a few minutes and get my nerve up i've been nude with guys before in gym class and at the y and have been sexual with some . at the door still nervous my friend answered the door nude when i knocked and stepping inside everyone was on the floor in a circle nude , my friend and a few other told me to join in so only took a second to strip as everyone watched and several motioned for me to slip in between them yes skin to skin . didn't take a few second i felt hands on me and if you haven't been to a cj it has nothing to do with entertaining yourself. that day was the start to many cj's and even now although groups aren't as large i enjoy the comradery of others in the nude.

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

That sounds like an enjoyable time with everyone.
Is there a group like that in Pennsylvania?

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

Sounds incredible, Would love to join that.

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RE:Anyone ever join in the opening undressing ceremony of Body Electric?

There is a Body Electric workshop at the GNI gathering in PA this summer. Since the entire gathering is nudity required, I would assume everyone will be nude from the beginning. How would that change the dynamics?

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