Clothed Female, Nude Male

Share your CFNM experiences. Some are accidental, some are intentional, and some are innocent. Some include embarrassment to the males and/or the females, while others may be comfortable situations for both the nude and clothed. Some may be one-on-one encounters or multiple nude males and/or multiple clothed females encounters.

Mine first time was when I was 17. I was in my room one Friday night and I had left the curtains open. I was naked of course and didn't know my female neighbor girl was having a slumber party. I finally looked over and sa w her and about 6of her friends peeking out the window at my penis I'm sure. It was a little embarrassing but I didn't mind. Plus I'm sure I was the highlight of the party. I was a little bit of a thrill, but totally not intended to be seen.

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RE:My first time

My first time was in school. I had to get check up for school and my mother decided to have school do it I got called to nursesI got there and there was a few other boys from my class there the nurse came in and said let's get started she took u s too room and said undressing but leave your socks on we will call for you in a few minutes I got called when I walked into the room there was 2 nurses and a doctor they did usually things the hole time I was nude I remember both nurses looking at me the school nurse even smiled

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RE:My first time

Mine was a school medical too. The Matron gave everyone a medical in private. The boys had to strip down to their gym shorts. After a chest exam. I (an no doubt all the other boys) had to drop my shorts. She took hold of my balls and told me to cough. I was told it was to check for a hernia.

The next was in a student hall of residence. The communal toilet and wash facilities were shared between us and some young Scandinavian waitresses. The wandered through while I urinated, washed and showered. I got good service at meal times.

There are many others, late in life:- Once I was sunbathing naked when she came collecting sponsorship money. She still talks about it years later. Another time I stripped naked in the village pub, encouraged by the landlady and after many ladies had asked what was under my kilt. There is the time I was admitted naked to hospital. Add many times on the beach, particularly as a nude Father Christmas, photographed with a bunch of girls. One time my friend and I were photographing each other (nude) when a girl walked over from the nearby (clothed) bar. I thought she was coming to tell us off. No! she offered to take photos of the two of us together. Finally there are a few restaurants where the staff are delighted to be photo'd with my self and other nude customers.

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RE:My first time

I have a follow up to a story I posted a year ago. I'm reposting the original before I write about my second visit.

I had the most amusing doctor visit a few months ago.

Since our recent move, we've been having to find all new doctors.

We finally scheduled visits to our new Dermatologist.

She was giving me a thorough exam as I explained to her I was a nudist and detailed my practices so she would have a good understanding for future visits. Then she told me it was time to see below the waist band of my briefs.

"Do you want them off"?

So they went to the floor and she continued the exam.

The doctor and her assistant started to have a conversation about the doctor being a prankster in the office. Then she asked me if I would mind assisting her in a prank for her all female staff.

"Sure, what do you want me to do"?
"Would you mind walking down the hallway"?
"Like this"?
"Uh yes. It would be a stitch"
"Should I just ask for directions to the bathroom or something"?

So off I went on my stroll through the back office maze asking all her staff where the restroom was with the laughing doctor in tow!

What fun! But none of them told me where the bathroom was. They were either giggling or turning their heads.

When we got back to the exam room she gave me a big hug, thanked me and told me it was her best prank ever.
I could hear all the staff still laughing in the back room when I was leaving and received pleasant smiles from the receptionists, (at least the ones that would look at me)! :-)

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RE:My first time

The previous story took place last year and I was due for my next visit.

It was early morning and I was dressed for work when I arrived.
The office assistant, (same one as last year) directed me to the exam room and told me to undress. She asked me to strip down to my underwear if I was wearing any and handed me a gown "if I needed to cover up".
I wasn't sure if I should be nude as I was wearing briefs as I usually do for work. I didn't want to be inappropriate and assume anything from the last visit.

The doctor and assistant came back in and it was like we were old friends and chatted about being annoyed with the whole mask thing. She thanked me for the nice email I sent her last year after the visit.

While checking me from behind she comment that she was surprised I had briefs on. I said I was on my way to work an was more comfortable wearing briefs while working.
I asked if she needed them off and she tugged down on the back of my waste band so I slid them off.

We continued with the exam with me nude and then continued with some casual conversation about the last visit and how much she enjoyed her prank.
She then mentioned she had a whole new staff!

I think she was eluding to a prank replay. I guess I won't know until next year's visit.

They made sure I had a full goodie bag of freebies before I left.

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RE:My first time

The previous story took place last year and I was due for my next visit.It was early morning and I was dressed for work when I arrived.The office assistant, (same one as last year) directed me to the exam room and told me to undress. She asked me to strip down to my underwear if I was wearing any and handed me a gown "if I needed to cover up".I wasn't sure if I should be nude as I was wearing briefs as I usually do for work. I didn't want to be inappropriate and assume anything from the last visit.The doctor and assistant came back in and it was like we were old friends and chatted about being annoyed with the whole mask thing. She thanked me for the nice email I sent her last year after the visit.While checking me from behind she comment that she was surprised I had briefs on. I said I was on my way to work an was more comfortable wearing briefs while working.I asked if she needed them off and she tugged down on the back of my waste band so I slid them off.We continued with the exam with me nude and then continued with some casual conversation about the last visit and how much she enjoyed her prank.She then mentioned she had a whole new staff!I think she was eluding to a prank replay. I guess I won't know until next year's visit.They made sure I had a full goodie bag of freebies before I left.

Great story Lee!

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