Clothed Female, Nude Male

Share your CFNM experiences. Some are accidental, some are intentional, and some are innocent. Some include embarrassment to the males and/or the females, while others may be comfortable situations for both the nude and clothed. Some may be one-on-one encounters or multiple nude males and/or multiple clothed females encounters.

The practice of one or more nude males in the presence of one or more clothed females, dates back centuries. The Greeks popularized it with their Olympic Games. My introduction to what has recently become know as Clothed Female, Naked Male (CFNM) was circa 1983.

In the South Loop there are residential high-rises. A few buildings have large windows and face each other. On one occasion I was looking out my 17th floor window when I noticed a movement across the way, a floor or two below mine. What caught my eye was a young nude adult male walking towards a young clothed adult female. He stopped next to her and began showing her something. They had a discussion, with both facing their widow. This went on for a few minutes.

Although I was comfortable and experienced with all-male nudity from my school showering and nude swimming days, I had never witnessed mixed nudity. This wasnt voyeurism, as I found nothing sexual in their activity. But I couldnt stop watching, being transfixed by his boldness and her approval.

Living in Downtown Chicago had its benefits.

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