Circumcised Naturists
This group is for all people who are circumcised or those (male or female) who like the way it looks and feels! You can chat, share experience or get in touch with others here who feel the same way.
Return to DiscussionsThere are plusses and minuses to the operation. The plusses are ease of cleaning, especially in the military when one is in the field for over thirty days with limited water for cleaning. It has also been seen in studies that the female partner is less likely to contract various diseases that are usually carried by the male to the female. Then there are the esthetics and religious views which might be classified as a neutral area. The case for keeping the foreskin might be increased sensitivity (though disputed in some medical studies) and protection from sunburn (my observation as I have been circumcised and I have gotten burned there but not on the penis as a whole which tanned).
As far as being witness to the operation, I have seen four circumcisions of my sons in infancy and the doctor places a metal sleeve over the head of the penis and pulls up the foreskin then cuts around the penis with a scalpel cutting to the metal sleeve and removes the foreskin.
hi all. was cut at birth, don't recall feeling a thing! No nightmares . no ptsd or anger at my parents. Like someone else wrote didn't see many that were not "circ'd" was the norm,, We were loose cut have heard it refered to as Low and Loose. It has even stretched some , grin. the skin i mean.. durn it.
It is not torture. Our sons were both circumcised when they were a couple of weeks old. They cried very briefly when given the anaesthetic. The operation was painless and they showed no distress afterwards. They are now 18 and 14 and very happy being circumcised, as am I.
It is not torture. Our sons were both circumcised when they were a couple of weeks old. They cried very briefly when given the anaesthetic. The operation was painless and they showed no distress afterwards. They are now 18 and 14 and very happy being circumcised, as am I.
Cut at birth, no problems at all ! I find it laughable that so many non-circ'd men and women seem to think they know how we men feel or don't feel . Or making erroneous statements about us . Your just meddling If you wish to comment , go get cut firts!