Chubby Nudist Men

A place where chubby/fat men can meet and chat without being judged by their bodies. You must have at least two nude public photo of yourself in your profile to be approved.

new member to this group. Having had a browse at all the wonderful pics in this group, I decided to add a few of my own :)
whilst I appreciate that they need authorising before you can see them, I hope it wont take too long :)

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RE: Photos

anyone with a chomebook having trouble posing pictures, i get them in my picture file here but can't seem to get them from there to here i may just snap them and load them from my phone

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RE: Photos

anyone with a chomebook having trouble posing pictures, i get them in my picture file here but can't seem to get them from there to here i may just snap them and load them from my phone

Sorry can't help you but your work around sounds plausible!

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RE: Photos

Thanks for the new photo in the gallery Matthew! Nice view.

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I like seeing chubby guys naked and sharing what they have both online and naked in person

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I like seeing chubby guys naked and sharing what they have both online and naked in person

Yep! And there are some great new photos here.

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RE: Photos

AndyJ121 had issues uploading his photos so here they are. Always happy to help a group member!

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RE: Photos

Merry Christmas, I posted my Santa photo.

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RE: Photos

Catching up from the holidays! Beautiful tree and GREAT Santa photo Tim! Belated ho, ho, ho . . . . Hope you had good holidays!

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Nice new photos guys! How about submitting more?
Nude Tim

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I try to approve photos within a day of their submittal.

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