Christians Who Pray And Share
Active Christians who want to share their views on nudity, Christianity, and problems around the world. Most of the groups on this site are very dead. Christ never intended for us to set back and do nothing in times like these. So, if you are willing to share, pray for one another, and send prayer requests, then this is the site for you. If you don't want to share then don't waste our...
How do you find others? I would like to meet with others who are Christian but believe that God gave our bodies unwrap rd. What say you?
Hi allI have posted a photo, taken in Cornwall, highlighting God's beautiful world, Please post some of your, God Bless
Hi Ive just joined this group and am looking to meet people in London UK
All glory to the G_D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob !!
Many people pray and many people pray without expecting results. Some people pray in tongues and others pray together. The Lord knows your heart better than you do. Naturism is the original design the Lord has for us all. So I pray that people will...
its very cool how our bodies heal. i recently got a bad cut and i watched as it healed. it sealed the top of the wound then opened then healed from the bottom to the top. do yourself a favor and pay attention to the weird ways our bodies work . it...
This week's article is dealing with introducing spouses to naturism, we hope you enjoy the article. Please share this with anyone you think it might be helpful to.
Dennis posed this question in early June. Why is it that when I wear clothing, I am an upstanding church going Christian, but when I am nude, I am considered a lewd sex crazed degenerate? I am the same person! We thought it was a great question so...