Christian Nudist Connection
This is a group (formerly known as Christian Nudist Convocation) to discuss our Christian and Nudist beliefs and faith, to invite, promote and simply enjoy each others company. Though Christian Nudist Convocation no longer exists due to closing, we will continue to use this to support the Christian fellowships already in process here and at local clubs. So join us and be a part of a growing...
Dare to take one more step! Stepping Out Of The Box Boyd Allen
Curious about the "shame" factor. When someone feels guilty or show shame, what do they really cover or attempt to hide? It is usually their faces or eyes. Not their bodies. So why is shame associated with Adam and Eve with covering of...
I do have a Blog page called ChristianNaturism for articles I wrote. Would be glad to have some comments.Click on ChristianNaturism to go to articles. Boyd
As usual, I'm way behind in my blogging here. But we had a great CNC event at Rock Haven Lodge in Tennessee. We hope to be back next year!
It has been a while since I posted here, but it has been hectic! An apartment in our building caught fire and we had to evacuate. The smoke damage to the rest of our apartments, especially mine, was so strong, they had to have professional...
Still going and going and going. I just wrote another article called "What Is Naked?" somewhat based on the previous article "Were We Really Naked?"On another note: Did you know that when you comment on the blog pages, you are...
I have a new Twitter account. Connect to keep up with new updates (since I keep forgettingto post themhere). :D Boyd "Live Nude and Prosper" Allen
I wrote a new article today called "Were We Really Naked? An Objective View" Boyd "Live Nude and Prosper" Allen
Theme for 2014 will be "Reconciliation Revisited" based on the fact we had that same theme in 2009.Will give dates for events later. But for right now, we have two potential locations.One in Oklahoma at Oaklake Trails and the other in...
Our study group is still growing, though sometimes someone may not be able to attend, it is still a very strong group. In fact, we seem to have gotten stronger in fellowship and love in the past few weeks. We are excited about this group (in Denver...