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Nudist pizza in January?
Return to DiscussionsLast week a couple of local nudist joined me to make pizza, drink beer
and talk. Nothing out of the ordinary
but we were all likely more comfortable and open without clothes to hide
behind. Is anyone interested in a redo
perhaps in cold and dark January? I live
just northwest of ORD. Please let me
Last week a couple of local nudist joined me to make pizza, drink beerand talk. Nothing out of the ordinarybut we were all likely more comfortable and open without clothes to hidebehind. Is anyone interested in a redoperhaps in cold and dark January? I livejust northwest of ORD. Please let meknow!
I am in. Let me know date and time.
I've heard back from two that Saturday, January 23rd would work well. Let's say 6 o'clock. I will provide the fixins for regular cheese pizza: homemade thin crust and sauce as well as mozzarella. Please bring any additional toppings you like, as well as beverages. Let me know if you have any allergies or sensitivities; no pets here and I work well with dietary restrictions.
Last week a couple of local nudist joined me to make pizza, drink beerand talk. Nothing out of the ordinarybut we were all likely more comfortable and open without clothes to hidebehind. Is anyone interested in a redoperhaps in cold and dark January? I livejust northwest of ORD. Please let meknow! IM in too sounds fun