Chasing The Sun In Sacramento

Hello, I just joined this site and it looks like dismal returns here. Really I was hoping to meet a great group of friends. I'll take the reigns. Join and let's make plans to lay out, socialize, meet new and interesting people, feel good, and what not. I apologize if your admin-to-be does not have a profile picture. Sorry, it's an HR thing. May the winds be at your back, the dice be...

Adding to the problem

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So, it has been two months since I started this group. I have been quite the poor host. No pictures, no discussions, no events. Have you ever seen a rocket fail to launch? Well you just did. In the mean time I have made my way to Auburn. I got lost, asked a local for directions, and came across a nude beach with clothed people on it. In a moment of bravery I stripped and bushwhacked the path for the other doubtfuls on the beach. By 4 we were all naked, jumping off rocks and having a great time. What was missing though was friends. People I knew before being the first naked guy on the beach. That is the group I want to start.
So before I add to the problem lets set a date: August 21 in Auburn. If you know of a better place, by all means suggest it. We'll coordinate beforehand, plan snacks and drinks and get to know one another. Send a message if this sounds like your game.

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