Chasing The Sun In Sacramento

Hello, I just joined this site and it looks like dismal returns here. Really I was hoping to meet a great group of friends. I'll take the reigns. Join and let's make plans to lay out, socialize, meet new and interesting people, feel good, and what not. I apologize if your admin-to-be does not have a profile picture. Sorry, it's an HR thing. May the winds be at your back, the dice be...

Campout/Social at Laguna del Sol

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The River Dippers, our local non-landed club in Sacramento, is currently contemplating a camping and social event at Laguna del Sol. It will be either on the first or second weekend in June. People will make their own reservations, but I'm asking that you specify "the River Dippers area" when you reserve your camping space.

The website for Laguna del Sol is here:

Day trippers will also be welcome, but, like the campers, you'll have to pay the usual day rate.

As plans firm up, we may include a potluck.

If you're interested, please let me know which weekend works better for you.

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RE:Campout/Social at Laguna del Sol

We've decided on the second weekend in June. No reservations can be made that weekend, but if you mention that you're camping or socializing with the River Dippers, the people in the front office should be able to direct you to us.

Note that you'll be paying the usual camping and day rates (AANR and TNS members do get a small discount, however). If you haven't been to the resort before, you'll be obliged to arrange a free "tour" while they check to see if you're on any Megan's Law lists.

The current plan is to have a potluck on Saturday. That may change if we can arrange to have a catered barbeque, as we've had in previous years. An extra fee for the meal would be charged if that happens.

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