Central Kentucky Nudist

A place where KY nudist can meet


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The weather has been conducive to nude activities this last week in DECEMBER! I don't know whats up. But, I'm not arguing.
IMAGINE: an OLD MAN, walking around the barn in CAMO HIGH TOP BOOTS, GLASSES, a BASEBALL CAP with LIGHT ON THE BILL, and NOTHING ELSE! Luckily no one was around with a camera!!!!
Only thing funnier would have beeen if the boots wereYELLOW POLKA DOTTED and he had on pink panties!
That was last night. This morning I left off the hat! It was 68 degrees in barn this morning! I worked, out there, two hours without a chill. I wasn't hanging to my knees but it was VERY COMFORTABLE. Wish I could have left off the boots but it has rained so much in the last few days they were necessary. I can't go barefoot around the horses. By end of morning had hay particles all over me. But, unlike on clothing they just blew or were dusted off.
After the barn chores I worked around the yard picking up fallen branches that would make trip hazards when it snows. Snow will be coming right? I'm not looking forward to it. This nudie weather is just fine with me. Nights and Sunday mornings I usually have the barn chores to do alone. When alone and warm enough I WILL BE NUDE as possible! Unfortunately most often around barn must wear shoes or boots. If horses aren't around and not too muddy I can wear my little five finger shoes.
I'm now NIFOC doing computer chores prior to lunch. May just not ever get dressed today.

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Well, I'm still here!
Everyone who is a member, post a message.

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posting a message! ;-)

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Well, I'm not dead. I just have never joined this group. Although I'm not new to being naked - a lot - I am new to truenudists. Anyway, to all my fellow Kentuckians, hello!

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I have a question about the law in Kentucky governing nudist societies. The statutes discuss the requirements for a nudist society and licensing. But they really don't define "nudist society". That seems to mean to me that nothing keeps someone, particularly someone with some secluded land, from just having people over from time to time or anytime for that matter. Or even just someone having get togethers in their home. I'm relatively new to naturism. Does anyone do that in central Kentucky or has anyone in the past? I wish I had the facilities. I'd might try it.

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The clue is a "nudist organization with land" If you organize a club with a location it requires the approval of the County Judge Executive. That is not likely to happen since he must seek reelection. Public nudity is not against the law in KY. Indecent exposure requires "offending" someone. But since that is nebulous, public nudity is dangerous. I've always operated on the premise that if I am in a remote location and someone just happens to come by and sees me nude, It would be hard put to say I was offending them. In other words if they come upon me, I feel safe. If I approach them or I am in a public traveled area naked, then I am in trouble. Having naked guests in your home should be fine if they arrive clothed. AS secluded yard should be ok. If someone has to make an effort to see you (or your guests) nude, you should be OK. NOW I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY. USE YOUR OWN JUDGEMENT! Be nude, but be quiet and discreet.

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Indecent exposure in Kentucky requires the exposure of the genitals in a circumstance in which you "know or should know" that the conduct is "likely to cause affront or alarm". Lots of things there that are open for interpretation. Being on remote private land might be okay, but if it's public land maybe not. I've always feared (though it doesn't stop me :) ) that wherever you are if someone complains you may be arrested because a cop will just let the courts sort it out. You may not be guilty, but you may be embarrassed by the ordeal. That said, I take the risks. I've even driven naked, which opens up another batch of questions about all of this!

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Still here!! Anyone in Lousiville is welcome to gather at my hotel for nude lounging and drinks. I have the heat turned all the way up!

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