Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

anyone have any canuding or nude-yaking plans, or anyone shopping for a new canoe or kayak. i'm actually thinking of getting a sit on kayak the sit in is ok but i have a friend that has a sit on and it more comfortable when nude sunbathing and getting in and out of the water. the cockpit ones are a little hard to get in and out of in the middle of a lake. thoughts ?

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RE: plans for 2011

Wish we had places to adventure naked! Lots of rivers but definitely tough to kaynude lol... We've got rec boats and they may be a little better if doing any faster water. (or a white water boat). Can fish from either, and yes gettin in from deep water takes some practice and you may need an assistant depending on the boat.

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RE: plans for 2011

I am new to this site and group. I nakak on inland lakes in central KY. I have a Nativewatercraft hybrid kayak/canoe. They call is a kayak. It is an open faced sit in kayak with a double hull. It has a "transmission hump" down the middle Its not a pontoon as the hump is not high enough. I am a nature photographer and set my tripod up with two long legs in the lowerparts and the short leg up on the hump. I can grib the two longer legs with my knees if there are waves that might dump my expensive equipment. If i don't take the camera I will take my Yellow Lab. We of course are both naked.
I work 24 hr shifts on my job and will sometimes nakak out to a secluded spot on the lake and nake a nap while my dog runs and plays.
i was just now going to upload a few photos but I found there files were too large. I will process them to a lessor size and upload them sortly.

PS: three kayaking photo have been uploaded

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RE: plans for 2011

lilstones welcome to the group and yes add some photos and stories, we have several on here that contribute and some that just post their photo. but will chat with other yakers or canuders here. and yes you have a cool kayak i looked at them but out of my price range so i settled for a old town vapor 10 it's comfortable and tracks well. i am now thinking of a sit on but have to many play toys so not sure if it will happen. tell us about your adventures.

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RE: plans for 2011

funsl44 same problem here but if you look hard enough you can find some places to nudyak or canude, i think that is one reason i picked a sit in instead of a sit on kayak i could actually get in the middle of lake and strip off my bathing suit and no one would know unless the got close. i plan to expand my horizon to a few more places in 2011 so i shall see.

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RE: plans for 2011

it will probably be march before i take the yak out again i did lake mainly last year but plan to get on the rivers again this year, the rivers i usually launch downstream and paddle up and than drift back which has a positive of seeing who is around , if the river and shoreline is quiet it give me a chance to yak nude.

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RE: plans for 2011

lilstones sounds like a pretty good life you got there, i will kayak with others on the lake but solitude is also great, getting one with nature and God works for me. i have a small fishing boat for the lake but i really love my kayak better, kinda stealth to get close to birds, turtles and even the fish. i anxious to explore more lakes and rivers in my area in 2011 with the kayak.

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RE: plans for 2011

wet and cold outside this weekend so it will be a while longer before i take kayak out, since mine is a sit in i wonder how cold it will be once i crawl into it and paddle out onto the water, that fiberglass floor isn't insulated !

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RE: plans for 2011

money has been tight and weather way to hotpast month hopefully this weekend i can finally take the yak out to the lake and padddle to my hidaway.

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RE: plans for 2011

Have a great paddle! Hope you can skinnydip as well.

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RE: plans for 2011


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