Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

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ok i know its getting cool but i know you are still paddling maybe not nude but the paddling of the boats are not stopping, even so tell us about your summer adventures - where you've been what you saw or who saw you , ha ha. i know there have been some great adventures, i usually go to only a couple places and had a blast how about you...

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RE: nude yaking

took the fishing boat out today, wow was that a mistake there were several yaks and even a canoe out on the lake and i regret not taking mine out. next week i will take a speedo sun hat and my kayak, yes i know Speedo - but the lake only has one small creek where i can get nude so the speedo allows me a chance to stop by the beach - not clothing optional :( and relax and cool off in the water before paddling on. i wish i lived in vermont where nudity is a little more acceptable or georgia would change the law, yeah right might as well move to vermont...

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RE: nude yaking

lilstones looks like you have the perfect lake, can you be nude anywhere on it. i went kayaking again today it was about 100f way to hot so jumped in lake numberous times of course i had to wear a bathing suit till i got to my cove where i got nude but water was muddy still so didn't stay long and water was warm. next time i think i'll go to the river can be nude more and when you get in the water it is cold and will definately cool you off.

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RE: nude yaking

Worked 24 hr shift yesterday and night. Took Kayak up Green River where it feeds the lake. Corp of Engineers has been letting water out of lake so now at summer pool. My little private gravel beach was again exposed. Took about an hour siesta and then paddle back. Getting my yaking tan. People at work asked if I was getting a farmers tan. I answered no! They didn't ask the follow up question...darn! A yakers tan leaves a little lighter area in the groin folds since you are sitting most of the time. That accentuates the positive! The butt is a little lighter too. But, when I nap in the hammock I try to catch thoses areas up. I uploaded some more kayaking photos to gallery. Here is one of them:

I'm developing good shoulder and back muscles. If you paddle correctly you use more back muscles but all the energy is transmitted down through you arms.

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RE: nude yaking

didn't see your question. I usually avoid going to the lake on weekends. During the week I wear a skimpy nylon running short to the launch area then strip down shortly after paddling away. There are so many coves and inlets that I can usually be nude all the time. I usually skirt around fishermen giving them wide berth. It is only polite not to disturb the fish and also not to have to cover up. I take my dog and she serves as a sentry if I should take a little nap! Nobody is going to approach her master without her letting me know.


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RE: nude yaking

lilstones great picture you are lucky the one lake i use most has only one good cove to be nude in and very little shoreline area to enjoy, i am thinking of exploring more rivers to the east more away from the city. great post and i like the dog alarm too.

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RE: nude yaking

hope to get out in the yak tommorrow can't decide between two lakes , one is a few miles but no chance to be nude other is about 10 miles with a cove to be nude in. hpoefully it won't be to hot.

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RE: nude yaking

oldest son bought a sit in yak the other day $75. with paddle, great deal so today he came up and we went to lake for a couple hours. no it was a clothing yak day but it was great to get out and yak and the water was calm and scenic, may try to get to the other lake first of week for some nude yaking.

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RE: nude yaking

went fishing at lake the other day and a lady showed up with alittle one person canoe that someone had given her, she said she had never been canoeing before and had used one of those short legged beach chairs as a seat and i told her it kind of reminded me of a native watercraft the cadillac of kayaks. i gave her a few ideas on paddlesand hints about getting in without flipping and off she went and did a great job for being the first time in a canoe.

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RE: nude yaking

did everyone put up their canoes and kayaks and go into hibernation, bummer i think i did , but if anyone has a great story it may entice me and others to pull them back out.

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RE: nude yaking

We enjoy Kayaking here in Vermont. Rather than hiking the short walk to the nude beach at Lake Willoughby we load into our boats and paddle to the beach where we can undress and settle in for the day. We usually go for a trip up the lake and back. Linda wears her PFD and I don't wear anything. A little awkward when we were pulled over by the fish and game department for a safety check.

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