Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

what do you wear when you canude or yak

not so much in cold months but when it warms in spring what do you wear to the lake, river or ocean to paddle in ?

2012 canuding or nudyaking what are your...

any plans ? have you pulled the boat out yet ? tell us about it.............

Latest Postyaking awhile back
by gabare 
Late autumn paddle

Took advantage of a beautiful afternoon yesterday and put the yak in and went for a paddle. If you want to waste two minutes of your life, check out my blog post 'Natural Musings' about the afternoon on my profile page. Happy paddling and...

fla kayakers

Hopefully over the winter we can make some connections and have some spring trips lined up. Went for a nude paddle this am. Fished a little and walked the bank a little, river was like glass till the wind picked up, and then went and had a tooth...

what would be some of your ultimate kayak...

If you had the ca$h and time what would be a few of your ultimate kayak destinations ?

Travelites' 17th annual canude trip as...

On July 14, the Travelites and their sister club, Triangle Area Naturists, embarked on the 17th Annual Canuding Trip. Several of the participants had arrived at Whispering Pines Nudist Resort a day or two before the event. Others went directly to...

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comments, stories lets hear them

ok i know its getting cool but i know you are still paddling maybe not nude but the paddling of the boats are not stopping, even so tell us about your summer adventures - where you've been what you saw or who saw you , ha ha. i know there have...

Kayak or canoeing in or around Brisbane,...

Hi, anyone keen on finding places around the Brisbane area to go nude kayaking?

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plans for 2011

anyone have any canuding or nude-yaking plans, or anyone shopping for a new canoe or kayak. i'm actually thinking of getting a sit on kayak the sit in is ok but i have a friend that has a sit on and it more comfortable when nude sunbathing and...

new gear or boats for 2011

anyone getting any new gear for 2011 ? i thinking of a sit on yak but will have to see, i have my yak set up pretty much the way i like and kept to the bare minimum. so share your ideas and new toys....