Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

canoe, how do you sit in your's

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sitting in your canoe do you sit on your knee's, on the canoe seat a seat you installed or maybe a cushion ?

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RE: canoe, how do you sit in your's

love my canoe a pelican 15.5 but i notice after a while my butt gets a little sore or my legs need to stretch but thats a easy fix by just extending them outward - no haven't mastered standing, but i still looking to comfort my butt maybe a gel pad but wonder about my back also yeah some may laugh about the concerns but when you get older your body doesn't always keep up. unlike my fishing boat and kayak i'm trying to keep the canoe as simple as possible so i can slide it into the bed of the truck tie it down and be gone in minutes - same at ramp unload grab paddle and fishing pole and vest and be know something simple...

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RE: canoe, how do you sit in your's

Canoes were designed by our Native American forebearers to be paddled from a kneeling position. That allows for the back to stay reasonably straight, and keeps the center of gravity low.
There is a long-standing joke that the first person to tip a canoe was the first European to steal one from an Indian.
With fiberglass canoes, (and with older knees and ankles), I have found padding under my knees and feet a must. So I kneel with my butt resting on the edge of the seat, with a flat life vest under my knees and ankles for padding.

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RE: canoe, how do you sit in your's

thanks cb i may have to try that but i may not be able to get up lol

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RE: canoe, how do you sit in your's

My kayak is a kayak canoe hybrid with a build in mesh seat. It adjusts in tilt and has feet rests in the wall like a kayak. I just use an inflatable hunting cushion under my butt. I DO find it difficult to get up and down with dignity. Kayaking nude it does not allow me to pull on shorts too easily so just have towel beside seat. I can stand in my kayak with relative stability but it is clumsy getting to the upright position. I have bilateral knee replacements and suffer the consequences of a broken back. I do everything I want but just a little more clumsy. Dog sits in front of me on a mesh pad. It is HER kayak and she is my navigator. She is definitely a watch dog and lets me know of everything going on long before I see it. She is not a loud dog or frisky. But her ears and body posture let me know if someone is coming well before I would otherwise know. Nice for naked kayaking.

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