Canoe And Kayak Nudist

For those who enjoy paddling down a river, or across a lake or chasing a shark in a canoe or kayak. Share your experience or encounter even if it's with the game warden.

florida forgotten coast

has anyone paddled the fogotten coast of florida the bend north of tampa i guess near carabelle, been down there but not paddled it yet but it always reminds me of paradise . i would love to live down there and have my kayak and a small sailboat...

Kayaking or Canoe trips in Ontario?

Love to hear from others that are active in paddling the waters in Ontario. We just came off the water, two different trips on Georgian Bay Next - maybe Algonquin or Killarney area in July and August, with few day trips here and there

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Any Australian NSW or Qld Paddlers (SUP?)

Hey Peoples,We are Stand Up Paddlers in South East Queensland looking for other nudist paddlers in Queensland and New South Wales. Any water craft is fine as long as you paddle it?Any SUP people out there?Regards

This sounds like fun.

I have never gone in a canoe or other small boat with or without clothes, but it sounds like fun.

2014 outings

so where have you been in your canoe/kayak this year ?

put in till paddling

so how well do you have your mode of transportation to the water to how well you canoe or kayak set up to how fast your out onto the water. we see people at the ramp loading or unloading gear that they spend more time on pavement than on water.

canoe, how do you sit in your's

sitting in your canoe do you sit on your knee's, on the canoe seat a seat you installed or maybe a cushion ?

how many canoes / kayaks use your favorite...

so you load up the canoe / kayak to go paddling , fishing or exploring your favorite lake ang when you get there you discover _?__ others there. so how many on the weekday ? weekend ?


paddling - so what are you up to? where have you paddled your canude or yak lately?

think of a name for it

ok we have canuding but what about kayaking, yaking is ok but figure a word that incorporates nude and yaking or kayaking ?