Burning Man Fans

This group is for anyone that has attended, wants to attend or wants to know why they should even know about the Burningman annual event and its social significance all year long and globally experienced. Refer to www.burningman.com for personal information education.

2015 tickets

This year was kind of a disaster. Unless you had insanely high speed interned you pretty much didn't have a chance. Needless to say if any one has a spare ticket or vehicle pass floating around I'm in the market.

Naked in San Francisco

As all burners know, San Francisco is a haven for urban nudists. I do my best to work and play nude at least twice a week. Today, went off to a nearby SF beach and worked naked in the sun for a couple of hours, am headed to an inner-city nude mens...

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hey! i am a student from germany (berlin) i want come these year but i need informations like:how much is it?can i travel without car? thx for reading =D! and answer :P!

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Planning a holiday in 2015??

In 2015 are you looking for a place to go? A reason to plan a trip that you might not otherwise go on? I have traveled some and been very fortunate to have had some wonderful hosts who welcomed me into their homes and made me feel beyond...

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BM 2015

Im thinking about going to Burning Man next year...I assume this is an annual event as I know many that have gone. I have read the posts on bringing food, water, being friendly and inviting folks to your campsite....but does anyone have any...


is it common 2 see men with shaved pubes at burning man or would it be uncommon?

Advice for a Virgin Burner

Headed to Burning Man for the first time this year. Any advice for a newbie?

Come to my Gaybourhood

My camp is Comfort & Joy Village, located at 7:30 & E, right in the centre of Gaytown!

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Burning Man Here I Come!....

Time to get naked!

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