Burning Man Fans
This group is for anyone that has attended, wants to attend or wants to know why they should even know about the Burningman annual event and its social significance all year long and globally experienced. Refer to www.burningman.com for personal information education.
2021. Burning Man
Return to DiscussionsCancelled again??? That's a shame. I went to my first burn in 2018 and it was a total new experience! I had a great time there. Was very shy and apprehensive about being nude or even semi-nude, especially w/my close friends who were w/me (it was all of our first burn). I saw a lot of nude and semi-nude men and woman there that looked to be very comfortable. I finally said "F It" and started to go semi-nude and then full nude in some places. It was GREAT! Wish I could have experienced a whole lot more of what Burning Man had to offer and also be more naked. :-)