Brisbane Single Nudist Guys

A group for single guys who are nudists and live in brisbane australia who want to get together regularly for male bonding and nude activities

Are Guys Ashamed of their bodies more than women?

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I think guys are worried that they might get aroused when naked and embarrass themselves. The male genitals are exposed and readily showvisual stimulis to other naked bodies. We have been conditioned to think our bodies are bad and ugly and should'nt be exposed to other peoples sight. We cover our genitals because we think others will laugh at us,and ridicule us. We should be proud of our bodies and not hide them away. It's natural to be naked because thats how we were born. Nudity is a levelling action and makes us equal with others,not like the textile world which tries to create a false image of what we're not,by wearing designer clothes make us look better than the next person,so they think.When you're naked you're yourself,you're happy and relaxed

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RE: Are Guys Ashamed of their bodies more than women?

Hi Jon, I don't believe that this is the case. and is likely to be on a par for either sex. Your Post would have more impact had you kept to ownership of your views. ( That is by staying with 'I', rather than including others as in the 'We' and 'They' statements. Cheers Allan .

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