Brisbane Nudist Group

For people that are interested in going nude in brisbane and meeting others socially .

Alex. Bay raided recently

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Read in news there have been complaints to police re. Nudists at a. Bay behaving indecently leading to 15 people fined, recently. One guy in particular masturbating in front of a couple seems to tipped police into taking action.
I have observed there is a cycle with nude beaches over the years. It seems to be tolerated for a while, then inevitably some take it too far, cross over into sexual affrontery, there are complaints, police pushed to point where they have to take action. Nude beach goes dead, then things gradually settle down, back to cautious use, then good for a good while until someone goes too far again, and so it goes.

The moral is.. we all need to behave respectfully to textiles when on nude beaches.. keep in the dunes til they have walked passed.. no provocative behaviour, and call out those that do it. The cycle is complaint driven.. if everyone behaves, there is less risk of complaints and the police wont be bothered with it.

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RE:Alex. Bay raided recently

I agree we need to self-police like it occurs overseas as well as have police and rangers patrolling the beaches...BUT the issue is that in qld there are no legal beaches, which mean anyone nude is breaking the law....
As our Australia nudist organisations/associations and businesses won't try to push for legitimate nude beaches, we the Australian naturists need to take things in our hands ... a way to force the authorities to legalise some beaches and nature strips for clothes free enjoyment is to have a legal argument they cannot fight.
Having naturism recognise as a religion will ensure we will get designated LEGAL areas where to practice our religion...
I guess that will require a court case but in the end it will set naturism as a right fir us in Australia and others around the world.

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