Bicycling Nudists

Peopel that love to ride bicycles, nude,or otherwise. I would be nice to have a meet somewheres and ride for 10-100 miles on a given weekend. Such as a rails to trails conversion, or a segmetn of a highwa, such as teh Natchez Trace. OR meet up at a nudist resort, adn bring our bikes!

All the WNBR rides I have done were great until.......

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Now for the ride. It totally sucked! I can only think of a few redeeming qualities about it. When I got there I backed into a parking space where everyone was gathering. They all noticed my license plate on the car and on the bike, so that was a topic of conversation. The ride started at 8PM, I got there around 6:30. There was an overhead canopy that we were going to assemble in, but no one could get naked until someone got there with tarps so no one could see us. Of course the tarps blocked any breeze that was there, so it was a bit warm in there. During the organizer's little speech on procedures and rules he asked how many here was doing their first ride. 3 people raised their hands. Then he asked how many here are doing their 18th ride? I raised my hand. Once we started the ride, we rode through a warehouse district with zero spectators, plus it was so dark no one would have been able to see us. It kind of reminded me of Madison where we hardly had any spectators for the first couple miles of the ride, but that one got a lot better later, this one did not. Probably about 2/3 of the ride was like that. Dark empty streets in the not best part of town. One thing they did was make stops at a few bars. The stops were supposed to be about 15 minutes. They took 30-40 minutes each. I left my wallet in the car, plus I don't drink, plus I did not want to put any clothing on that would be required to enter the bar, so I just stayed outside with a few others that did not want to go in. We did have a brief time that we rode through a small section of Downtown, but by then it was past 10PM so there was hardly anyone there. It almost seemed that the route was planned to avoid having anyone see us. Gene Dare, the organizer of Toronto and Montreal rides had a policy. Go where the people are. The spectator count for this ride, well under 1000, probably closer to 500. About 10% of what most rides are. Picture takers- well under 100, probably closer to 50.Most of the rides, the majority of the spectators are taking pics or videos. At the last bar stop there were a few riders that were heading back to the start point since the last stop was an impromptu after party. I rode with the group backthere, loaded up my bike and left. By then it was after midnight. All during the ride, while I was waiting for it to get better, I kept thinking "I drove 16 hours for this??? I would have been upset if I drove 2 hours for it
Talking with some of the other riders, apparently there is 1 guy that organizes it and has no help.
The ride might not have been so bad if it had started 2-3 hours earlier in daylight and kept the stops under 15 minutes or none at all.
Since everything was done in darkness and since I left my phone in the car, I got zero pics. A couple guys took some pics of me at one of the stops and are supposed to email them me. Of course this email address started a whole bunch of conversations

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RE:All the WNBR rides I have done were great until.......

Hi Mark,

Blazes, buddy! Where was this? Canada? Let me know so I'll know to avoid it.

I've done several of the Philadelphia NBRs over the years, held usually the last Saturday of August. Lots of fun, lots of positive energy. Attracts a great crowd, with thousands lining the streets to see us go by. If you've never done Philly, think about it for next year. I've never been disappointed.

Warm regards, Ed B.

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RE:All the WNBR rides I have done were great until.......

Houston, Texas.

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RE:All the WNBR rides I have done were great until.......

Not a great advertisement for WNBR!

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RE:All the WNBR rides I have done were great until.......

Not a great advertisement for WNBR!
Not this one. All the other 17 rides in 12 cities were great, some better than others.
I guess if one is into Bar hopping it could be fun, but for me it was a total waste of time and money

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RE:All the WNBR rides I have done were great until.......

I agree with Ed B, @PhillyNBR is fantastic & especially this year since the @PDXwnbr was cancelled.

Houston is gdmf hot as blazes during the day .... THROUGH OCTOBER. But I understand why night rides are underwhelming.

Its a ProTest; No City Hall flyby or stop? If no one sees a ProTest, did it really happen or why should others even care.

One might think rolling unfamiliar streets at night while not completely sober might be its own traffic hazard ( which WNBR events are suppose to help mitigate ).

The @SFNWBR Starts/Gathers in the MORNING, 11am, for the best photographic lighting & vistas along the iconic & bustling & heavily trafficked Embarcadero Transit Ctr, with Wharf Tourists & more often than not THOUSANDS of garishly costumed @SFGiants or @Warriors fans; so, it is often a spectacular mix to kick things off. As a more boutique Ride ( than @PhillyNBR or @PDXwnbr ) it gives those ProTesters Demonstrators & Exhibitionists more opportunity to stand out from the crowds individually & not get lost in the masses of naked WNBRist flesh. Once You roll in the @SFWNBR, Youre practically prepped & on the road to more uninhibited Solo #SocialPublicNudism as many of Our WNBRists routine activities demonstrate. Its for those PROUD of their Bodies not so much for the Shy.

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