Best Resorts
opinions on the best clothing free or clothing optional resorts.
Terra Cotta Inn Palm Springs
Return to DiscussionsWell Hot Harley Couple you clearly enjoy your stays at Terra Cotta.
As a single (widowed) male I would not be admitted. That goes for
other single males - 90% of TN members. Fortunately I found a
resort which accepts single males and offers all that you say is
offered by Terra Cotta. OK it is smaller and has no pool but there
are ten lovely sandy nude beaches within easy reach (so who needs a
pool). Being in Portugal the climate is good and the populous
accepting of nudity. (ask Ceekay123 for details)
BTW I have been to a wide variety of nudist resorts and have never
had any problems with children.
Just think of the next generation of nudists. Tomorrows adults are todays children.
ONCE they actually become ADULTS they can make that choice on their own and for themselves.Till then let them be NORMAL Kids.As most NORMAL Responsible loving parents would be doing.Next thing that we all know these candidates for Parents of the Year Award will start dragging their kids into the Bars and Casino's with them while introducing their kids to drinking and gambling and partying.After all, todays kids will be tomorrows Adults.Very good analogy.