Bengalee Nudists
All real nudists who are Bengalee (Bengali speaking /Bangali) residing in India or Bangladesh or Bengalee expatriates or ethnic Bengalees or anybody who is a resident of West Bengal province of India or of Bangladesh can be a member of this group. Those who have never been to Bengal or do not have/is not going to have any connection with Bengal may not be included in this group as it is a group...
Ajkey anek din por puro ta din lengto thaklam... khub bhalo laglo
Return to DiscussionsBou baper bari gechey.... ar kono office chilo na... to saturday night bari tey eshe je lengto holam !! ar ajkey shakale office jawar agey dress porlam... shei anondo legey chey.Amar bou janey amar je lengto taktey bhalo lagey, but puro puri bhabey ekhono nudism er katha boli nei...
Step by step bolchi:1.Sturday raat 10 30 dike gharey dhuklam2.eshey puro lengto shrirt ,pant ar innerwear khule fresh hotey dhuklam.3. fresh hoye towel diye puro shori muchlam, ar lengto thaklam.4.kichu khon she bhabeyi tv dekhlam...5. tar por dinner korey internet surf korlam, kichu nudist videos deklam ar article porlam.6. tar por fan chaliye shei lengto hoye ghumal... shei gobhir ghum hoyechey ekdom ...anek din por emon bhabey freely ghumalam7.Sunday morning shakal 7 shamay ghum bhanglo.8.uthey ainar shamney gelam .nijey key shakal shakal aina tey puro lengto dkhar feeling tayi alada... that too with morning erection. :)9.tar por fresh holam ar shara din shab barir kaaj lengto hoye korla, like ghar porish kar, nijer kichu kapor dhua ranna kora etc.... snan tan korey pujo dilam10.lunch korlam ar abar shei ghumalam fan emon bhabey till today morning ami shei lengto thakar...