Belongil Beach

For those of us who enjoy the freedom that we enjoy on Belongil Beach

Hi all, I just wanted to ask if anyone might be heading down to Belongil in the next few weeks, would be nice to meet some cyber friends in real life

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RE: Beach Visit

Hey, If anyone heads down in the next few days, could you report back on what the track in is like down grays lane, as usually its under water for a few days after rain. and i have a tiny car which sinks in a puddle, ha ha.
Also, if its clear, ill be heading down friday maybe, so anyone else going, let us know here!

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RE: soon

Yes permits are available in the car park at the end of the road just a short hop over the dune to the beach itself. There is a shelter with information etc and a box on the end with the permit envelopes. At last visit it was $7 per car per day, just fill out the form on the envelope, drop in the $$ and seal it, leave the copy on your dashboard visible for the rangers and drop the envelope in the box on your way to the beach from you car. Hope that makes sense.
Cheers Mark

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Sat or Sun

Hi is anyone going down the weekend 27-28 November?

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RE: Sat or Sun

im kicking myself that i didnt see u guys

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