Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)

This group is for all friends and other members....Be proud of your body.....Please insert photos from your body...


massage for all couples,friends and members of the site.......welcome to the group....cheers.

Latest Posthi...
by bady78 
is there anything more beautiful

than a nude body that GOD has created, so why cover it and hide it, did GOD create you with clothes on, do you really feel comfortable being clothed ?

Hi! new to the group

I am new to the group! Hope to find real nudist friends here tired of all the fakes on this site

Cool Group

Hey guys, this an awesome thread. Now I may not be the most attractive person in the world, but I hope I belong in this group!

Looking for a model to assist in creating...

Hello, I'm an amateur photographer and am working to improve my skills photographing people, both clothed and nude. I have created some pretty good work so far and would like to continue in this area. I live in Tempe, Arizona and can travel...


Welcome to the group!

Nice pics...

Thanks guys,really nice set of pics..........

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I need an elf

I have an art show coming up at the beginning of the month and I need new material for the show. That means I need a beautiful woman who will pose nude for me so I can create set of fantasy images about a playful elf who is entertaining herself with...

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Photo comments

I would just like to say how beautiful the latest photo is (by Bady), of the young nudist couple. I wish I had taken it!

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Pocono Fantasy Photo Art

I am an aspiring Photographer and Graphic Artist. I have always been fascinated by the nude human form, especially the nude female form which is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But my passion is developing fantasy images of fairies,...

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