Be My Naked Friend

Just a group to have friends who share their ideas, thoughts, and feelings with each other.

Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't

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Hey Friends abroad, it's always nice to make and meet new nudist friends, unfortunately its always a friend request, which doesn't have much to follow. I do have heaps of nudist friends here, however not many are in touch from the time of acceptance. While collecting friends, I love to be friends to all with some interaction. If you think likewise, keep it coming.

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RE: Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't

I know what you mean. I'm here to make friends with other nudists and like to have some sort of interaction with them, at least swapping the occasional message on here or similar. Much as I would with real life friends, just adding people to bump up the friends count isn't being a friend in my view, friends have things in common, acquaintances less so.
Its good to find out where other nudists go to enjoy life naked, what they enjoy about nudism etc, as well as finding out if we share other things in common.

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RE: Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't

A "friend" in TN is more of an acquaintance. They can see what we are doing. It gives a chance to get in touch. And some become close friends as in real life. I'm afraid I have a big "friends" list. I chose the members I send requests to carefully. But when I get a request I just can't say no. Sorry to all those I haven't been in touch with lately.

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