Bay To Breakers

For all of us who have participated or who would like to. Nude or clothed, post your stories and photos.

my occasions to participate in the bare to breakers

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i have done it four times, and missed three others.
the bare to breakers is quite challenging, but immensely fun!
in 2001 and 2, i walked all of the course.
in 2014 and 18, i ran parts and walked up the hills. i was one of the very few barefoot streakers.
the years i missed it were 2013, 17, and 19, because their check-in window was too narrow for me to get there in time. (they mail out the packet too late for me to receive before i begin the trip, and then i find it impossible to check in soon enough.)
i hope to do another, but no longer drive so getting there would be a problem.
but, if you can, by all means do it naked!

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