
A group for those of us who enjoy being barefoot as much as possible. For the hardcore barefooters among us, it's a way of life!


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Barefoot is part of my nudist attire

I don't really consider myself nude if wearing shoes. I suppose there are times when shoes are necessary but i prefer flipflops then. So they can be easily removed. Just a thought.

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Shoes. My most despised article of clothing.

I've been barefoot so long I'm finding it difficult to move wearing anything but minimal footwear at times. Yesterday I had to run through the airport to make a flight and I was still wearing shoes from the conference I had attended. Wide...

Walking/Running Barefoot

I recently had to take up serious walking to essentially save my own life. I'm pretty much barefoot most of the time, but walking several miles a day barefoot on pavement was harder on the soles of my feet than I had anticipated. So...... I...

Barefooter tattoo

Ive had a rough idea of a barefooter tattoo for years. Ive kept some pictures on my phone that I found online over the years. Yet I wanted something original and couldnt quite work it out creatively for a long time. Then a few weekends ago I saw my...

6 mile hike barefoot

Last weekend I did a wilderness trail hike 6 miles round trip down to a waterfall and back. Theres a more detailed story in the Nude Hikers group. Afterwards my feet felt amazing. Love being barefoot. Had my earth runners sandals strapped to my...

Barefoot Happiness!

Happiness is finding a white line on black asphalt on a hot sunny summer day. So smooth, so cool. 2 minutes ago


So who here plays any sports in bare feet, or maybe used to in school? (Apart from the obvious ones like swimming and beach volleyball, naturally!) I play in both a pick-up soccer league and an adult kickball league, both barefoot! It's earned...

Keeping feet toughened during winter

I'm in Ohio and want to keep the soles of my feet thick so I don't have to start all over every spring?

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Barefoot and naked

I'm mostly a home nudist day in day out. I never wear a stitch of anything at home 365 - and don't own any underwear, or slippers or even a robe. I have to be completely naked for me. I specifically address always barefoot and naked....