Balkaz - Brisbane

People who have been to Balkaz Nudist Retreat in Brisbane. I am a semi-regular visitor there and love the place and the warm welcome I get everytime I go there..

Balkaz still operating?

Hi just checking, is Balkaz still operating and what is it like lately?

Visiting Balkaz

Any peoples at Balkaz this week, I might drop in and say good day

open ?

hi is this place still open and where is it ?


Any at Balkaz today, I am thinking of dropping in on my way past

Visit Balkas

Anybody at Balkas today. I might drop in for a visit, Let me know

This weekend

Need someone to share a granny flat this weekend.

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BALKAZ soup & spa night - Saturday 20th...

Who is going along to it? :)

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more sunshine

cant wait for the weather to warm up a bit more so I can go to balkaz... hopefully in the comming month...

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What do you like about Balkaz?

Hi all, I'm going to be relocating to Brisbane shortly, and would like to know what you all like about going to Balkaz? What are the people like, and how far away is it from Brisbane?

24 September

Looking forward to 24 September, lets hope the weather is warm, don't want to freeze my nuts off

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