Backyard Nudists

This is a group for those who may be Home Nudists or those who cannot always get to a Nudist Colony, Camp, or Resort and therefore take things into their own backyard! Whether your backyard is private enough or not, perhaps you lay out nude, skinnydip, garden, or mow the lawn, this group is for you!

Being seen by the Neighbors

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Just curious if anyone has been seen by there neighbors while being naked in the backyard?

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

We have a patio area at the bottom of our garden which is secluded and you can be naked all day. I often walk up and down from the house still naked. I know neighbours have seen me. The guy on one side stopped to chat over the fence once. However, recently his wife was hanging out the bedroom window saying I shouldn't be naked in the garden and she was going to report me. Go on then it's totally legal here. I'm sure she was only leaning out to get a better look.

There is a spot at the bottom of our garden that catches the sun, like you need to walk to and from the house, as long as i stay next to the high hedge we are unable to be seen, on the odd occasion i have wandered up the middle of the lawn, once i was spotted by our neighbour, but she never said a word just smiled

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Still quite warm here in So Cal. Temps in our valley hover between mid 90's to low 100's, last week, this week and through the weekend.

We had a hankering for grilled burgers today, so I fired up the gas grill. Twice while going back and forth from the kitchen to the outside kitchen, our neighbor, who is over 6' tall, looked over the 5.5' fence and saw me on the patio at the BBQ. I saw movement in that direction and as I turned to look that way, he ducked down behind the fence. Not sure why, he's seen me/us many, many times already.

As the late great LA Lakers announcer, Chick Hearn, used to say, "no harm, no foul, no blood, no ambulance," or cops. All is well in the neighborhood.!

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

I have the same situation at this newer house. The yard is at a lower grade so we added a tree to block the view from the houses being built. Fast forward to a better economy and we see the street above us being completed and house sites being graded. Our bushes are growing at just the right pace.

At our prior house we had a sunken patio with city property on one side an 8-5 worker on the other and a street with a vacant house on the other side. I felt comfortable taking my coffee out to the patio and reading or watering the garden. One year I forgot that the bush covering the sight from the street had died. It turned out a neighbor would walk a few extra steps to the bus stop to see if I was "ok". Good times.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Our last home was the most nude friendly of all the homes we've rented and bought. We were the two-story surrounded by single story homes. We had block walls all the way around the property and our homes were at higher elevations than those behind us. We had one neighbor across the street that had a very small, very narrow view of one side yard and backyard. Only time I was spotted was when I was brushing and vacuuming the spa. When we told them we were moving, she said, "I'm gonna miss watching you clean your spa. I'm glad you took that small tree out so I could watch. (as she laughed)"

We'd had a tree that blocked their view, but we'd get possums and rodents climbing up that tree and running across our roof, so we took it out. Rather have the neighbors watching me naked in the backyard then those critters running all over our roof. Nowadays, we're both certain most of the neighbors across the street, across the way and next-door for sure, like last night, have seen us and seem to accept or tolerate it. One of their windows with a view of backyard is their master bath window and a direct view of their shower. Seems we both had the same idea around the same time last night. As we were taking outdoor showers, they were taking indoor showers and we ended up getting a glimpse of each other for a moment or two. We didn't duck outta sight and they didn't close their shutter. Hoping this leads to some open conversation.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

A few known sightings from our next-door neighbor this past week. Besides the sightings from their master bath window, I had another just a couple days ago. We'd had our main meal of the day and I was taking the trash and recycle out to the bins on the side yard. Never noticed him up on a ladder trimming up his kumquat tree. We were literally 3-4 ft apart with a resin fence between us.

He saw me, I didn't see him. He said, "hey Andy. " I replied, "hey John, " he then said, "hot today huh." I said, "yup, just staying cool, like every day!" He then said, "boy ain't that true!" I was validation for me that he/they have seen us/me naked many times and seem just fine with it. Still, I try not to shove it in their faces, but we won't hide our lives. If they see us, they see us and it doesn't bother us nor them, apparently.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

This may fit in the category of a near miss but you never know. I was out mowing my grass about 10:30 in the morning last week; I had probably been mowing for an hour or so. I cut my lawn in rectangular sections so that my turning patterns dont leave big missed spots. Anyway, my neighbor came home early and drove past my nude self (about 75 feet away) as he proceeded down the driveway. I dont know if he saw anything as nothing has been said. I usually wear my gym shorts when closer to the road but not in the yard. Ill keep mowing as in the past & see if anything happens. It really is so much more pleasant to mow nude, it really makes a difference.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Wow awesome. Very inspiring stories.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

I've actually had three comments. After I retired we sold our house in town and bought a few acres on a private road. Being retired if I don't have to get dressed I don't.
My north neighbor was putting up a privacy fence one day and I said wow that looks nice, she smiled, giggled and said "now you'll have your own nude resort".
The subject of my nudity came up once with my south neighbor and she replied "Americans need to get over their fear of naked. your an adult on your own property.
Third neighbor up the road a bit stopped to talk one day about a little bit of everything. (I think he was bored). Before he left I said BTW when I see cars coming down the road I try to be behind cover. He said thanks but "everybody along this road knows what you do, my mother-in-law makes an extra effort to get a glimpse. Heads up my wife and her mother are going shopping soon.


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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Well with the weather being so nice I been having coffee on my deck nude 4 am this ,morning neighbor came outside saw me waved not sure if he realized I wasn't dressed but now they know lol

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Well with the weather being so nice I been having coffee on my deck nude 4 am this ,morning neighbor came outside saw me waved not sure if he realized I wasn't dressed but now they know lol

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